Iruka,系统似乎是有过改动了。我申请的时候,显示的status似乎并不是这样的。 我的几个Status依次是这样的(大致的措词,确切的不记得了),供你参考: 1. 提交申请:We have received your application, and will let you know if there is any outstanding issue. 2. 隔了一段时间:Your application is currently under evaluation. 3. 再隔一段时间:You have been pre-selected for interview. A message has been sent or will be sent to you soon. 然后就收到面试通知,之后的状态,要一直到录取才有变化。 4. 最后一个Status:A decision has been made. A message has been sent or will be sent to you soon. 你现在的status应该是对应上面第一个吧。 根据我的经验,这个系统的message并没有多大的意义,因为更新的很慢,而且申请过程的划分过于简单。不知道在系统修复后,他们是不是对此有所改进。 |