以下是引用boston2007在2007-2-2 22:40:00的发言:So you are in New England Area too? wish we can meet sometime this summer. You mentioned that you applied about 10 schools. Let me guess they are: HBS, MIT, Yale, Cornell( too far away from big city), Tuck, Columbia, NYU. What the rest 3? To be more precise, New England and the neighbouring areas. Take Sloan and Yale out. I began to prepare for applications for 9 schools end of Dec to meet the deadlines in early Jan. You can imagine how tight the schulde was. I had to give up Sloan and Yale as I couldn't meet the deadlines. I tried HBS, Cornell, Wharton, Columbia, Stern, Tuck (will be dinged soon), Ross (the only one in middle west, farthest one, 11 hours' ride to Boston;interview done, await further notification), Simon (got admission), Smith (to interview), Tepper (to interview), Darden (interview done, await further notification, the most southern one in terms of location, 9 hours' ride to Boston) and BC (the last one, I did want to give up, but my friend told me I should hold on to try coz it's in Boston). More than 10. It's a waste of money. I don't like to live in big cities though I've been living in big monster cities since I got my first job. |