做一点贡献,我抄下这个的原文便于大家查看修改。 High-level The lecture completely refutes the passage. It is said in the lecture that, the perceived acts of altruism are nothing more than sneaky methods of gaining advantage for one’s self. Contrary to the belief in the passage that sentinels risk their lives for the cause of the whole group, the professor says that the meerkat sentinels are in fact less prone to outside threats. The alarm sentinels give off causes to group to move rashly which draws the predator attention towards them, thus drawing away the attention from the sentinels. The lecture refutes the fact that these meerkats are altruistic in the sense that they gain nothing in exchange of their services. In fact, researches have shown that they have a full stomach as they perform this “altruistic” duty and have a better chance of escaping from danger because they witness it first. Professor also offers a different underlying motivation that cause people to believe that acts such as donating an organ or sharing food with someone in need are altruistic. She said that people gain appreciation as a result of such acts, which may be deemed by some much more important than materialistic gains.
Mid-level In the lecture, the professor stated that there are something valuable which are not mentioned in the reading. First, in meerkat’s group, the guard eats food before others. In addition, the guard could make a call which asks other meerkats which are eating food to get together or separate when the predator comes. This act may make the predator pay attention to those meekats which are eating food instead of guard. Therefore, the guard would have ample time to escape. The guard might not have altruism as stated in the reading because the guard gets the most benefits than others and put their members in grave danger. Second, people who donate their organs to their family members or to strangers may get the sense of community or achievement which might be important to themselves. They get benefits from giving or donating organs. The professor gave example and the sources to explain support her objection to the reading. Low-level The lecture said about altruism. It happens both animal and human. First the meerkat is a good example of altruism for animal. They have special eating habit. The meerkat which guard and look out predators is full stomach. After finish standing guard they eat some food while other meerkat guard from predators. When they find predators then they alarm to others to hide into the shelter. Also, human is altruistic animal. People share their food with strangers or they donate food or clothing even body organs. It states both human and animal are altruism. This lecture make out easy to understand and organize this lecture in mind. It shows short summary about this reading, and also give us some detail information. This is outlind of this reading. In addition, every contents is related to the reading, and also offer some more information. For this reason we can make sure about this reading. |