以下是引用chasedreamtl在2006-6-10 0:36:00的发言: Can anybody help explain why A, rather than E, is the correct answer? Thanks.
DEC-04 Secion 4 q 18
Decentralization enables divisions of a large institution to function autonomously. This always permits more realistic planning and strongly encourages innovation, since the people responsible for decision making are directly invovled in implementing the policies they design. Decentralization also permits the central administration to focus on institution wide issues without being overwhelmed by the detailes of daily operations.
The statements most support which one of the following? (a) in large instituions whose divisions do not function autonomously, planning is not maximally realistic. (e) The people directly invovled in implememing policies are always able to make innovative and realistic policy decisions.
The first two sentences can be boiled down to one sentence that decentralization leads to being autonomous which inevitabley permits MORE realistic planning. So the flip side of this is that not being autonomous will lead to LESS realistic planning. Then you parse the choice A, which is almost an equivalent to the aforesaid sentence. E is a contender but also the biggest loser here, since it touches upon and connects two seemingly related, though independent, elements in the argument, policy-implementing people and their decisions. Hence, A is the credited response. HTH
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-4 12:08:01编辑过] |