以下是引用sandiegotj在2005-8-17 15:51:00的发言:有一点不太同意7楼的mm 在牛津高阶字典里就有这样的例句: Considerable numbers of (ie very many) animals have died. 另外在白勇的《语法全解》里面40页的46题也使用了vast numbers of humans来表示很多人 但是c肯定还是不对的,vast的修饰对象不同会有歧义。 同意sandiegotj的说法,在电子版的Longman Dictionary of Contemporay English里,关于Vast的词条 adj 1. extremely large -synonym huge vast amounts/numbers/quantities/sums etc (of something) The govermment will have to borrow vast amounts of money. The refugees come cross the border in vast numbers 则Vast修饰numbers 应该没问题,只是后面的stuff members有问题。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-9 17:33:46编辑过] |