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[分享]Application to Europe B-Schools

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发表于 2006-5-19 13:56:00 | 只看该作者

[分享]Application to Europe B-Schools

I have chosen four programs to apply, and the current status is as following:


1.        Oxford MBA: submitted online application on the 4th of April, application package posted and received about the 8th. Of April. I had contacted the admission office by emails regular, but their replies were VERY slow. Normally, my question was answered 7-10 days later. Only got one email confirmation on the 18th of May, and said some of my package material are missing. Faint!

2.        RSM MBA: exactly the same submit time as Oxford (I planned to make comparison), and received confirmation email when RSM received my application package (10th of April). And the Admission Office is nice, and informed if any material that insufficient. And they replied emails regular with nice manner. Waiting for the interview next week.

3.        RSM MFM: easy application. Send CV first, after initial evaluation, the AO will inform you if you are invited for interview. The interview is easy, no tough questions. After the interview, sending your application, and after the second evaluation, AO will email you the first proposal. If you want to go for it, confirm the email, and they will send you the offer package. Offer package received.

4.        Nyenrode MBA: Submitted online application on the 14th of April. The school contacted me after one week after they received the whole application package. While before this, they replied emails Very fast regarding your questions. Phone interview was conducted on the 9th of May. A bit tough interview, 45 minutes, two people on the school side, so they used the speaker on the phone, sometimes, hardly to hear the questions. Felt so bad after the interview, and they said they would inform me after the final evaluation. And on the 17th of May, I received the offer email.


Reasons to choose these schools:


Oxford: mainly because the reference from Alumni. The current Vice Chancellor of Oxford is the Vice-Chancellor of the university I graduated from. The reputation and its strength in finance are the other two reasons. However, like most other huge university, the process in SBS is slow due to its bureaucracy.


RSM: nice school, with international learning environment. And both MBA and MFM are focus on practical learning.


Nyenrode: Knew it from FT article, the school is in old castle, very special! The only private university in Netherlands, although the MBA program does not have very high ranking in the world, its program has Kellogg module, which offers the chance to All MBA students to study one month in Kellogg, a bit attractive. And this year is the 60-year anniversary, and the MBA students had many scholarships to choose, and each scholarship worth EUR10, 000.


Here is just some information for you guys as references. And I would like to say before you apply for the business school, contact the AO in these schools and asked some questions you concerned most. And from their response, that may easier for you to find the style of this B-school. Like I had wrote in my essay, choosing a b-school is like choosing your girlfriend or boyfriend, I am not aiming the best, since every one defined best in his own way, but I want to choose the most suitable one for me.


Wish every one would go to the most “Suitable” B-school!



发表于 2006-5-19 17:15:00 | 只看该作者

good luck!

发表于 2006-5-23 11:05:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-5-23 11:07:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-5-23 11:12:00 | 只看该作者
最后一个program,建议不要选,因为知名度太低。如果是看中了Scholarship,建议选择Instituto De Empresa,2006FT排名12,而且有5个名额中国学生的Scholarship,一半学费(20KEUR)。
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-24 16:57:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-5-25 16:50:00 | 只看该作者


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