以下是引用hiddragon在2003-9-28 23:34:00的发言: A firm that specializes in the analysis of handwriting claims from a one-page writing sample that it can assess more than three hundred personality traits, including enthusiasm, imagination, and ambition. B.from a one-page writing sample it has the ability of assessing C.the ability, from a one-page writing sample, of assessing D.to be able, from a one-page writing sample, to assess E.being able to assess, from a one-page writing sample, I always take it for granted that noun is better than verb. I think "the ability of assessing" is better than "to be able to assess". However, the key is D. Who can explain the reason why C is not the right answer?
I always take it for granted that noun is better than verb. WHY? In GMAT, verb is superior to noun in most of conditions, and the ability to do , and be able to do, which are the favorites of GMAT, are better than the ability of doing. |