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toefl 613, twe 5,申请前景如何?

发表于 2003-9-28 00:12:00 | 只看该作者

toefl 613, twe 5,申请前景如何?

问1 : 这个分数是不是意味着 top 20 无缘了啊

问2 : 一个月时间准备申请资料没问题吧
问3 : 我知道第一轮是赶不上了,第二轮赶得上吗,单纯从申请时间上来讲,申请前景如何


发表于 2003-9-28 01:36:00 | 只看该作者
问1 : 这个分数是不是意味着 top 20 无缘了啊

How was your score for each part?

问2 : 一个月时间准备申请资料没问题吧

It depends on how many school you want to apply and how many hours you will spend every day.

问3 : 我知道第一轮是赶不上了,第二轮赶得上吗,单纯从申请时间上来讲,申请前景如何

Usually second round deadline is in January. There is almost no difference between R1 and R2. However, for international applicant, most schools require you to send your application before Jan 15.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-28 01:51:00 | 只看该作者
thank you for your quick and detailed response

1,  the socre for each part ,  59,65,60  

2,  I am on duty but I can spend 5-6 hours a day because i usually sleep late at night

  on the basis of the further information provided ,could you answer again about my question

I haven't test GMAT yet ,so I want to have a schedule in the coming three month ,that is , when to take GMAT ,when to apply
发表于 2003-9-28 02:28:00 | 只看该作者
1,  the socre for each part ,  59,65,60  

Your listening score 59 is relatively lower than several top-20 schools' requirement. That means you're not qualified to apply those schools.

2,  I am on duty but I can spend 5-6 hours a day because i usually sleep late at night

If you can spend 5-6 hours a day, you might be able to nail down at most 3 top schools.

Based on all those information, uncertainty about your GMAT + strong suggest you re-take TOEFL + lack of time for essay, if you still aim at top-20 schools, I would sugget you to apply for 2005. That way you may have much better chances.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-28 17:19:00 | 只看该作者
it's so sad to hear that ,but ,anyway ,thank you very much
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