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[AWA模板] [分享]AWA总结(分类,模板,素材)(3)

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发表于 2003-9-27 15:26:00 | 只看该作者


Template 1
In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that.... The basis for this recommendation is that.... An additional reason given in support of this recommendation is that...(The author an example in support of this recommendation). At first glance, the author's argument appears to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection reveals that it omits some important concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.
In the first place,
In the second place,
In the third place,
In conclusion, the author fails to provide adequate justification for.... As it stands, the reasoning does not constitute a logical argument in favor of the recommendation. To strengthen the argument, the author would have to provide evidence to prove that.... To better assess the argument, we need additional detailed information that we can establish the conclusion whether....
Template 2
In this argument, the author concludes that.. To support his conclusion, the author points out that… In addition, he reasons that… This argument is unconvincing for several reasons.(第二次考时v19把这句观点句给忘了,不知为什么还得5。5分)
In the first place, ….
In the second place,…
Since the author commits the above mentioned logical mistakes and fails to consider the whole situation comprehensively, his ideas should not be adopted. The conclusion would be strengthened if he
(注, argument 的摸版很灵活,推荐AA的七宗罪)
Template 3
In this argument, the author concludes that… To support his conclusion, the aut
hor points out that…. In addition, the author reasons that… Further more, he al
so assumes that … . At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be someho
w appealing, while a close examination will reveal how groundless it is. We do no
t have to look very far to see the invalidity of this argument. This argument is
problematic for the following reasons.
In the first place, this argument rests on a gratuitous assumption that …. Howe
ver, the assumption is questionable because the author provides no evidence to su
pport this argument. The arguer fails to take into account other facts that might
contribute to the result that …….. It is likely that , ……………..; it is als
o likely that ………………………… Any of these scenarios, if true, would show th
at ………………Therefore, this argument in question nee not to be accepted withou
t ruling out such possibility.
In the second place, the argument commits a logic fallacy of “after this and th
erefore because of this”. In no case can the mere fact that… be cited as eviden
ce to support the assumption that there is a causal-effect relationship between A
and B. Moreover, that just because B can be statistically correlated with A does
not necessarily mean that A is the cause of B. In fact, the author has obviously
neglected the possibility of other alternative facts such as…, or … may contri
bute to a certain extent to B. It may be only a coincidence that …… . Unless th
e author can rule out other factors relevant to …, this assumption in question c
an not be accepted.
In the third place, the evidence that the author provides is insufficient to sup
port the conclusion drawn from it. One example is rarely sufficient to establish
a general conclusion. Unless the arguer can show that A1 is representative of all
A, the conclusion that B… is completely unwarranted. In fact, in face of such l
imited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all.
In the fourth place, the argument has also committed a false analogy fallacy. Th
e argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects, and
the author assumes without justification that all things are equal, and that the
background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different l
ocations. No evidence is provided to support this assumption. However there are a
ll kinds of important differences between ……. and other …making the analogy hi
ghly less than valid. For example, A..., however, B....Thus lacking this assumpti
on, the conclusion that … is entirely unfounded.
Last but no least, the validity of the survey on which the argument relies is do
ubtful in itself. The survey cited by the author is too vague to be informative.
The claim does not indicate who conducted this survey and when and how the survey
is conducted, neither does it mention what is the sample size, or how the sample
s are selected. Until these questions are answered the results of this survey are
worthless as evidence to support that….
Besides, the author assumes that A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives and
there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author has never offered any
reasons or evidences for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense and observati
on tells us that adjoining both A and B might produce better results.
In conclusion, the arguer fails to substantiate his claim that …. Because the e
vidence cited in the analysis is too weak to lend strong support to what the argu
er claims. To strengthen the argument, the arguer must convince us that…. In add
ition, the arguer could have to provide more precise information to support his c
In conclusion, it is imprudent for … to … solely on the basis of the evidence
presented. Because the evidence cited in the analysis is too weak to lend strong
support to what the arguer claims. To make the argument more convincing, the argu
er should provide more substantial evidence concerning that…Moreover, I would s
uspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation(conclusion) until
the arguer could provide all concrete evidence to rule out all the above possibil
ities that I analyzed.
In conclusion, the survey on which the argument relies lacks credibility and the
refore does not lend strong support to the conclusion that…To strengthen the arg
ument, the arguer must convince us that…. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment
about the credibility of the recommendation(conclusion) until the arguer could pr
ovide all concrete evidence to rule out all the above possibilities that I analyz
The author commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred before B, the former event is responsible for the latter. (The author uses the positive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the fact that A coincides with B does not necessarily prove that A caused B.) But this is fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these events or perhaps B is caused by D.
第二宗罪 Insufficient-sample
The evidence the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logically unsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a few recent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless it can be shown that A1 is representative of all A. It is possible that.... In fact, in face of such limited evidence, the conclusion that B is completely unwarranted.
第三宗罪: 错误类比 (based on a false analogy )<横向>
The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between A and B, there is much dissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....
第四宗罪 all things are equal<纵向>
The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact that happened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that.... The author assumes without justification that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it is not clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same as they used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....
第五宗罪 Either-Or choice
The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.
第六宗罪 survey is doubtful
The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who conducted the poll, who responded, or when, where and how the poll was conducted. (Lacking information about the number of people surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to access the validity of the results. For example, if 200 persons were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that...would be highly suspect. Because the argument offers no evidence that would rule out this kind of interpretations,) Until these questions are answered, the results of the survey are worthless as evidence for the conclusion.
第七宗罪 gratuitous assumption
The author falsely depends on gratuitous assumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to support this assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it is more likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility
Template 4
In this argument, the arguer concludes/recommends that...
To support this conclusion, the arguer points out/provides evidence that...
In addition, he reasons/asserts/infers that...
Furthermore, he also indicates that...
But in my point of view, this argument suffers from three(2,4,5都可以啦) critical flaws.
In the first place, the arguer rests on the unreasonable / gratuitous/ unconvincing assumption that...
However, the author provides no evidence to support this argument.
It is likely that.... yet the reason is still insufficient.
In the second place,
1.the arguer fails to establish the causal relationship between ... and ...
2.the arguer commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification.
3.the arguer cites the fact/assumes that... This fact(assumption), however, does not seem convincing/reasonable on its face.
Last but not least(字典上是这样说的,但是我考试时写了the last but not the least,不知道是对还是错),
1.the arguer fails to take into account other facts that contribute to...
2.he statistic evidence on which the argument relies is too vague to be believable.
To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer claims. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more information that...
The arguer should also demonstrate make this argument logically acceptable
Template 5
The argument
1. In this argument, the arguer recommend (conclude) that…
2. This recommendation is based on the result (evidence; fact) of the survey that…
3. In addition, the arguer assumes this…
4. A careful examination would review how groundless the argument (conclusion) is…
1. The survey on which the argument relies lacks credibility and therefore does not lend strong support to what the arguer assumes.
2. The statistical evidence on which the argument depends is so vague (unrepresentative) that it does not validate the auger’s assumption (claim).
1. The argument rests on the unfounded(unconvincing, unreasonable, gratuitous, groundless, unwarranted) assumption that…
2. The arguer fails to take Into account other possible factors that might (lend to, result in)…
3. The arguer ignores other relevant factors concerning +名词结构
4. The arguer fails to convince us that (sb of)…
5. The evidence provided in this argument is not sufficient to validate the assumption that…
1. The arguer fails to provide solid (any, sufficient, concrete) evidence to prove that …/to support the assumption that…/to validate the assumption that …/quarantine the conclusion that…
2. Another point worth concerning is that the arguer fails to take into account…
3. The reasoning that …is open to doubt /unreliable/problematic.
4. Another assumption in short of legitimacy is the causal of relationship between A&B./…is that /the claim that…
5. The fact that …says little (nothing) about…
1. 采取推测法,推测有可能的例证,反例,推测作者论证可导致的其他结论。
It is likely (possible) that…
It is impossible that…
One possibility is that…another possibility is that…the third possibility is that…
May, might, perhaps
2. 假设
If… even If; granted that …we can not ensure that… ,unless….
1. In this conclusion, the arguer fails to validate the claim that… To solidify the argument .the arguer should supply more evidence to Indicate (demonstrate) that…In addition, the arguer would have to rule out the above-mentioned possibilities that might undermine the auger’s conclusion.
2. To sum up, the conclusion lacks of credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the auger claims. to make the argument more convincing ,the arguer would have to provide more Information concerning …
3. As It stands, the argument Is not well reasoned .to make It logically acceptable ,the arguer should provide more concrete evidence to demonstrate that …what’s more ,the arguer must supply more 具体化 Information to strong the conclusion.
1. To conclusion, the argument Is not persuasive as It stands, before we accept the claim, the arguer must provide more substantial facts to prove that…
2. In summary, the conclusion reached In this argument Is Invalid and misleading, to make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that…moreover, I would suspend my judgement about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide more concrete and reliable evidence.
Template 6
In this argument, the author concludes that… To support his conclusion, the author points out that…. In addition, the author reasons that… Further more, he also assumes that … . At first glance, the author’s argument appears to be somehow appealing, while a close examination will reveal how groundless it is. We do not have to look very far to see the invalidity of this argument. This argument is problematic for the following reasons.
In the first place, this argument rests on a gratuitous assumption that …. The author unfairly assumes that…. However, the assumption is questionable because the author provides no evidence to support this argument. The arguer fails to take into account other facts that might contribute to the result that ……..  It is likely that , ……………..; it is also likely that …………………………  Any of these scenarios, if true, would show that …………………..  (72)
Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.
In the second place, the argument commits a logic fallacy of “after this and therefore because of this”. In no case can the mere fact that… be cited as evidence to support the assumption that there is a causal-effect relationship between A and B. Moreover, that just because B can be statistically correlated with A does not necessarily mean that A is the cause of B. In fact, the author has obviously neglected the possibility of other alternative facts such as…, or … may contribute to a certain extent to B. It may be only a coincidence that …… . Unless the author can rule out other factors relevant to …, this assumption in question can not be accepted.
In the third place, the evidence that the author provides is insufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is rarely sufficient to establish a general conclusion. Unless the arguer can show that A1 is representative of all A, the conclusion that B… is completely unwarranted. In fact, in face of such limited evidence, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion at all.
In the fourth place, the argument has also committed a false analogy fallacy. The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects, and the author assumes without justification that all things are equal, and that the background conditions have remained the same at different times or at different locations. There is, however, no guarantee that this is the case. Nor does the author cite any evidence to support this assumption. Lacking this assumption, the conclusion that … is entirely unfounded. In fact, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from B are applicable to A. Differences between A and B clearly out weight the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likely much more difficult for B to do....
In addition, the conclusion unjustifiably relies on the poll while the validity of the survey itself is doubtful. The poll cited by the author is too vague to be informative. The claim does not indicate who, when, how and by whom the survey is conducted, neither does it mention what is the sample size, or how the samples are selected. Until these questions are answered the results are worthless as evidence to support that….
Besides, the author assumes that A and B are mutually exclusive alternatives. However, the author has never offered any reasons or evidences for imposing an either/or choice. Common sense and observation tells us that adjoining both A and B might produce better results.  
To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the author claims.  To make the argument more convincing concerning…. , the arguer would have to provide more information that……………….  The arguer should also demonstrate that……………….to make this argument logically acceptable.  (51)
Since the author commits the above mentioned logical mistakes and fails to consider the whole situation comprehensively, his ideas should not be adopted. The conclusion would be strengthened if he….
In conclusion, the arguer fails to substantiate his claim that …. Because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer claims. To strengthen the argument, the arguer must convince us that…. In addition, the arguer could have to provide more precise information to support his claim.
It is entirely possible that management has become lax regarding any number of factors that can affect the bottom line such as inferior products, careless product pricing, inefficient production, poor employee expense monitoring, ineffective advertising, sloppy buying policies and other wasteful spending
发表于 2005-8-2 23:08:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-8-6 14:14:00 | 只看该作者

劳苦功高啊,弱弱的问一句 模版的来源是?

发表于 2005-8-6 15:20:00 | 只看该作者
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