有趣有趣。Ghoshal是我最喜欢的管理学者之一,到现在穷学生我只掏钱买过一本书,就是纪念他的Ghoshal on Management。不过,等Zenger近来以后,就会发现学术界还是positivist的天下,像Ghoshal这样提倡以社会资本和诚信取代TCE利己主义假设的学者还是少数。等你上Foundation的时候,就会知道经济学和管理学的很多假设都对人性太悲观了。
年轻的心 stands for being aggressive, being willing to refresh ourselves from time to time
平常心 stands for doing what we are capable of. I always believe when something goes beyond one’s capacity, supposedly he has done to his diligence, game is over. If he is trying to squeeze himself in this case, he would suffer from it.