以下是引用入画在2006-4-21 23:27:00的发言:Q4. Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe. A. that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of B. that a black hole lies at the Milky Way’s center and C. that there is a black hole lying at the milky Way’s center and D. of a black hole lying at the Milky Way’s center and E. of a black hole that lies at the center of the Milky Way and of Answer: A 这题徘徊了好久. 首先我想说下,C不选,不是因为there is...而是因为改变了原句意思. 原句是想说:"有个黑洞存在于银河中心"而C变成了"存在一个黑洞,这个黑洞在银河中心"其实意思有些许的改变,可以仔细体会一下. DE错.用OF来详说理论的具体内容,结构也别扭, 现在来看看AB,我最后觉得AB都不好,但是语法上来说,我认为B更好点,A有歧义: A. 难道一个黑洞可以既存在于银河系中心,又存在于其它星系的中心? B. B有点改变原来的意思,这个theory变成了2部分 (1).银河中心有个黑洞 ,and (2).有许多星系存在于宇宙之中 但是既然A逻辑有错,我最后觉得还是选一个语法逻辑都靠谱点的吧. |