以下是引用yelplin在2006-8-5 23:42:00的发言:在两篇文章里找到的 1.The main threats to cheetahs are genetic homogeneity, other large carnivores, and humans. Both captive and free-ranging cheetahs exhibit a very high level of DNA homogeneity, similar to that of inbred strains of mice. The cheetah appears to have suffered a series of severe population bottlenecks in its history, with the first and most significant occurring possibly during the late Pleistocene extinctions, around 10,000 years ago. It has been argued that lack of genetic diversity may render the cheetah an exceptionally vulnerable species. 2.He suggested thatt this genetic homogeneity also made this species unusually susceptible to disease. 认为应该选C 什么乱78糟的解释! 这题考点是like,比较同等事物,上来就可以排除ACD,然后发现B单数的不对,最后剩下E,清晰明了!!!连说什么都不用看.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-13 4:34:22编辑过] |