以下是引用blueflowing在2006-4-5 21:02:00的发言: 教授在她的时间3点的时候发来的信 (敬业啊,难道是我逼得太紧了),告诉我已经由招生委员会报到dean哪儿去了,明后天就能批下来。可能是因为前天面试的时候我说4.5号之前必须回复另一个学校,他们以飞快的速度2天之内决定了最终要哪三个人,本来小米说下周才能出结果的。 免四年的学费,第一年1500/月,没说给几个月。他们正在筹集以后3年需要的钱,不过教授说几十年来他们都是这样的,offer就给第一年的钱,其他人ta\ra\consult project的都找到了钱 offer选择:Buffalo商学院:14300一年,四年RA. 总体排名有人说90,有人说120。商学院大概80左右。但是那里有一个牛人,研究方法的大牛,发文无数。 CWRU商学院:有点担心以后3年的钱,总体排名50-60之间,商学院名气比前者要大(当然不能和牛校比)。也有一牛教授,不过估计去了也跟不了。其他教授的研究说实话,感觉兴趣一般般,而且极有可能跟一个印度的女ASSOCIATE. 大家给提点建议吧,想这周回复,其他没消息的学校不等了。谢谢大家,三鞠躬!
CASE management had the biggest PhD student cohort in the past ten years in the states, and most of them went to industry, such as some consultant companies in Cleveland. However, they have no money to support such a big program anymore. In contrast, Buffalo has a smaller program but the students out of their program usually can find a good placement in academia, especially OB track. Chao C Chen in rugters is one of them.
Scott is a great person but he is not in management department in CASE, but economics.
Whatever, the achievements of yours always depend on yoursefl. Both of them can offer the similar situation and resources for your success. If I were you, I will go to buffalo since there is a significant difference between CASE and buffalo on money, which is vital for a phd student. Rongdongc also mentioned it. |