以下是引用trictincy在2006-3-18 21:03:00的发言:The decisions of John Marshall, the fourth chief justice, have had a greater influence than any chief justice in history.
(A) than any chief justice in history
(B) historically than any other chief justice
(C) than have those of any chief justice in history
(D) in history as any other chief justice has had
(E) than those of any other chief justice in history 正确答案(E)中怎么没有助动词have呢?句子比较的应当是the decisions of J.M的influence 和 the decisions of any other chief justice 的influence。如果没有have的话, 岂不是变成比较the decisions of J.M的influence 和the decisions of any other chief justice了?这样明显是不符合同类比较原则的呀 我也认为应该加have 有没有nn来确认一下 万分感谢 |