以下是引用feifeifeifei在2003-9-13 12:34:00的发言: 这是简单的信息,供你参考:
Regardless of the attire, you should want to present yourself in the most conservative, professional manner.
BUSINESS Both women and men should always wear a suit. Consider black, dark navies and grays. Men should wear shirts that are nicely starched and not taken right out of the dryer. If they are white, they should be white, not yellowish. Men’s ties should be seen not heard.
Women should avoid wearing several pieces of jewelry, especially dangling, chunky sorts. As far as both sexes are concerned, they should definitely avoid trying to look “particularly glamorous or sexy”. Wear clothing accessories and jewelry that make you look confident.
NICE OR BUSINESS CASUAL Men should avoid: khaki pants, “loud print” shirts. Consider dark-colored slacks with a nice Oxford shirt with muted colors and a conservative matching tie. If the weather is cold, pull on a nice solid color sweater or a cardigan with the tie tucked inside the sweater. Another option is wearing dark slacks, solid or bold line shirt, and a nice dark colored sports coat or blazer.
Women should consider wearing business skirts with appropriate blouses, such as silks, polyester, or rayons with attractive prints. Larger pieces of jewelry are acceptable for nice casual. Flats or small heels and hose are appropriate.
CASUAL Men: It is acceptable for men to wear nice khaki, navy, or some other basic color slacks. “Camp” shirts or Collard shirts long or short sleeve would be appropriate. Stay away from blue jeans, denim, and sweat suit material. Shirts should be crisp and colorful but not “Neon-looking”! NO SHORTS.
Women: Appropriate attire for women might be an attractive blouse, skirt or slacks, blouse, and nice belt, flats, and always hose.