以下是引用sbbi在2003-9-20 6:05:00的发言: Can we say? 1. "A, B, as well as C". (I think it should be "A, B, and C" or "A and B, as well as C")
我认为不允许出现A, B, as well as C的结构,因为as well as不等于AND。as well as的用法是:它后面所接的是前面的若干(包括一个)个东西之后的一个补充,这个补充的东东在地位(性质上)无法与as well as之前的东东构成完美的平行与对称(否则就用AND连接)。如果as well as前面有二个或以上的东东并列,它之前的第一个东东的前面一定要有AND连接。所以A, B, as well as C在逻辑上本身就是有问题的。的确应该改为sbbi所说的"A, B, and C" or "A and B, as well as C"。至于到底是哪一种,要看这三者之间的逻辑关系。 下面是所有阅读与改错中出现的支持上述结论的类似结构。我极为细致地搜遍了40余万字的所有阅读材料,没有找到一个A, B, as well as C的结构。 我突然感到sbbi是一个真正的大师!他在用极其有价值的问题引导我们探索真理!(不会有相互吹捧的嫌疑吧?) 18. While all states face similar industrial waste problems, the predominating industries and regulatory environment of the states obviously determines the types and amounts of waste produced, as well as the cost of disposal. (A) all states face similar industrial waste problems, the predominating industries and regulatory environment of the states obviously determines (B) each state faces a similar industrial waste problem, their predominant industries and regulatory environment obviously determine (C) all states face a similar industrial waste problem, their predominating industries and regulatory environment obviously determines (D) each state faces similar industrial waste problems, the predominant industries and regulatory environment of each state obviously determines (E) all states face similar industrial waste problems, the predominant industries and the regulatory environment of each state obviously determine
4. Which one of the following, if true, would most effectively undermine the author’s argument? (A) Although the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses each year is very small, the total number of lightning fatalities is many times greater. (B) Electric blenders are among the safest household appliances; were the author to compare fatalities from electrical appliances in general, she would get a much higher figure. (C) Most people would rather take their chances with blenders and golf games than with grizzly bears. (D) Bears in general—including black, brown, and cinnamon bears, as well as grizzly bears—kill many more people than do electric blenders. (E) Statistics show that the number of times people use electric blenders each year exceeds the number of times people play golf each year, which in turn far exceeds the number of contacts people have with grizzly bears each year.
MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available.
Multicellular plants and animals, as well as many unicellular organisms, are eukaryotic—their large, complex cells have a well-formed nucleus and many organelles.
Maps made by non-Native Americans to depict Native American land tenure, resources and population distributions appeared almost as early as Europeans’ first encounters with Native Americans and took many form: missionaries’ field sketches, explorers’ drawings, and surveyors’ maps, as well as maps rendered in connection with treaties involving land transfers.
Thus our current cartographic record relating to Native American tribes and their migrations and cultural features, as well as territoriality and contemporary trust lands, reflects the origins of the data, the mixed purposes for which the maps have been prepared, and changes both in United States government policy and in non-Native Americans’ attitudes toward an understanding of Native Americans.
He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors.
In particular, his actos contain the same assortment of semiallegorical characters and the same blend of music, chorus, and dialogue found in some of the agitprop pieces, as well as the same fierce spirit of social and political critique.
Studies directed at describing aggressive behavior and the situations that elicit it, as well as the social mechanisms that control it, were therefore among the first investigations of monkeys’ social behavior.
Among the factors that constrain the competitiveness of integrated producers are excessive labor, energy, and capital costs, as well as manufacturing inflexibility.
Taking a slightly different approach, other scholars have adopted a technique that requires reading complete transcripts of all sex discrimination cases litigated during a certain time period to identify variables such as the nature of the allegedly illegal conduct, the consequences for employers, and the nature of the remedy, as well as the factors that contributed to the verdict and the kind of evidence necessary for the plaintiff to prevail.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-21 2:21:10编辑过] |