The correct parallel structure in the original sentence emphasizes the contrast between where sunspots are found(are visible...Sun)and where they are not(have ever beensighted...equator).Sunsports is the subject of the sentence ,are is the verb of the first part of the contrast and have been sighted is the verb of the the second.(The adjective visible is a complement and is a parallel to the past participle sighted.)Both parts of the sentence conclude with phrases indicationg location.The contrast itself is indicated by the conjunction but.
A.correct. This sentence clearly and correctly draws a contrast between where sunspots are found and where they are not
B.Changing the modifying clause so that that never...Sun distors the meaning of the sentence;the contrast is lost
C.Although typically introduces a subordinate clause,which has a subject and a verb,but here there is no subjext and sighted is not a complete verb
D.Although usually introduce a subordinate clause,but there is no subject of the clause and having been sighted is not a complete verb phrase
E.The relative pronoun which should immediately follow its referent;here which illogically follows surface,and its intended referent,either sunspots or dark spots,becomes unclear
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-15 19:23:01编辑过] |