以下是引用catking2003在2005-12-21 11:57:00的发言:谢谢各位的意见 我作出这个决定就是在和我学校的professor(from U.S. work in the banking business for a lot of years and work in banks such as Bank of America and Citibank, and he also established his own credit union in the U.S.) 所以我认为他的观点还是有一定指导意义的,他告诉我说他所认识的banker 们基本上都是拿着master学位的,即使是他自己也是因为一开始想做老师才考了doctor,他的意见是如果只是在金融行业,象银行业工作的话,PHD是不必要的。 其实PHD的research 是否能指导实践的金融工作,我还是很怀疑,很多理论基于完全不实际的假设,简直就是纸上谈兵嘛 P.S.我确实是对金融,尤其是银行业有兴趣,工资不是主要考虑因素,我这人一般很少乱花钱
It's great that you consulted some real expert. I totally agree with your professor. It really doesn't take a PhD to be a good banker.
Also, since your undergraduate major is in Finance already, probably you don't need a master's now-- because you already possess some basic knowledge necessary for most entry-level tasks in financial and banking industry. How about working for several years first, and then applying for graduate schools after you realize what you really need from practical work experience?
Anyways, best of luck with your future.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-21 12:41:25编辑过] |