较于其他英美名校,伦敦政经学院(The London School of Economics and PoliticalScience, 亦 简 称 为 The London School of Economics或 The LSE)的创校历史并不算太长,校园景观也绝称不上壮丽。然而,在建校才迈过第一个世纪不久的今,我们却可以笃定的说,凡是对西方社会科学主要领域有所兴 趣的人,大概都不会对「 LSE」这个简洁有力的校名缩写感到陌生。
以数字来看,在一九二○年代,外国学生大约占了学生总数的百分之二十五,到了一九六○年代则是接近三分之一,时至今日则是逼近一半。若仅以二○○一年的研究生为例,其中英国本土的学生只占了百分之三十而已,其余的百分之三十是来自其他欧洲国家,另有百分之三十左右则是分别平均来自北美与亚洲。总括而言,校友所涵盖的国家别超过了一百三十五个,这些国际校友并没有辜负学校的期盼。长期以来,他们之中任教于世界各之着名大学及学术机构、位居大型企业主管或担任政府要职者,不计其数。回顾过去一百余年的校史,在就读过政经学院之各种课程的校友当中,就已经出现了将近四十位的总理或总统级的政治领袖,这里面包括最负盛名的美国总统之一J. F. K. Kennedy。
百年来,几乎在任何一个政府的主政时期,政经学院的校友都会攻下英格兰中央银行的若干董事席位,出任多个内阁部长职位,以及占据三十个以上的国会议员席数。相对于牛津与剑桥,三十之数或许仍不够醒目;事实上,有一种流行的说法是说,这影响当代英国社会风貌最甚的「三大名校」(The Big Threes),在国会议员的构成比例上,大概是三:二:一。然而,我们可不要忘了,政经学院每年收进来的大学部学生只有一千余人,这个数目其实是远远低于牛津与剑桥这两所综合大学的学生额度。这就难怪在比较政府的教书上会有人说:政经学院是英国国会议员的摇篮。
London School of Economics and Political Science
Alex Harrison Friday May 11, 2001
One of the UK's more high-powered academic institutions, the London School of Economics is hard to get into and enjoys an international reputation. The Webbs founded it in 1895 to promote "the study and advancement of Economics or Political Economy, Political Science or Political Philosophy, Statistics, Sociology, History, Geography, and any subject cognate to any of these", thanks to the will of a rich Fabian, Henry Hunt Hutchinson. Its social purposes were based on those of American and continental schools and universities where political, social and economic problems were seen as ripe for study.
The LSE's courses still reflect its origins: among those that enjoy a particularly good reputation are accounting and finance, law, economics and international relations. It is a breeding ground for politicians, and has arguably done more to shape the political world than any other university: as well as countless MPs, LSE has educated world leaders including John F Kennedy.
LSE's location in the heart of London makes it a powerful draw to overseas students: in 1997/98, 61% of students came from overseas. It is close to the City of London, the West End and Soho. But beware, living in London is expensive.
The students' union offers a wide range of clubs and societies. LSE graduates are highly employable. Just take a virtual tour to find out more.
As well as JFK and the politician legions, LSE's alumni include Cherie Booth, Mick Jagger, saucy foodie celeb Loyd Grossman, and professional Londoner and journalist Robert Elms.