Last year, I applied Kellogg, and got the interview (but failed at last ;-). I felt that Kellogg interviewed nearly all prospect students, because there were so many interviewees in a given time slot. Therefore, I felt that it's unlikely that Kellogg will not interview students-would-be. Kellogg has enough alumni resources in Beijing to conduct interview.
Kellogg的网页说的很清楚:The Office of Admissions will make every effort to assign an alumni interviewer to each candidate.However, in a few cases of unusually heavy demand or remote location, we may be unable to meet all requests. In these instances, candidates will be granted an interview waiver. Waivers have no negative impact on candidacy, and many applicants who receive waivers are admitted to Kellogg every year. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to contact candidates directly to seek additional information regarding their candidacy during the application process. Off-campus interviews are assigned on a first come, first served basis and after the Office of Admissions receives Part 1 of the application. Candidates will be notified of their assignment. 依据其说法,在收到Part 1后就安排面试的,这时还没有对整个申请材料作出评估,所以Waive interview,应该不是因为你的背景弱,而是scheduling的原因吧。不过在上海都被waive有点意外,kellogg在中国有不少校友的,香港尤其很多,建议写封信要求去香港面试吧。尽管说是waive interview 无负面影响,我认为,多多少少是有点不利的。如果contact you by phone, 更不利,作为non-native speaker, 我个人是很怕phone interview的,90%表现不好。