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发表于 2005-11-8 09:45:00 | 只看该作者
谈论DREAM, PASSION 或者年龄似乎过于宽泛, 我以为还是需要看个人的情况, 个人的经济基础, 英语水平,工作和生活经历都是很重要的因素, 还有,为什么要读JD, 在32岁这个年龄必须想清楚, 否则以后的路走起来会很累
发表于 2005-11-8 12:54:00 | 只看该作者



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-8 13:30:31编辑过]
发表于 2005-11-8 13:13:00 | 只看该作者

lykuang02 说得好.

如果JD就是你最大的梦想, 哪怕风险很大,付出很多也不改变,那么就去追求吧. 很多事情无所谓对错, 关键在于是否 informed decision, and you must have the courage and confidence no matter what happens.

每件事情都有代价. 现在即使在Top 14 的JD program 里,日子也很辛苦. (今天不算上课时间,已经读了六小时的书了,估计明天早上5,6点还要早起继续读) 我个人不后悔,但是不等于我假设这也适合其他人,特别是其他女孩子. 如果还有更多更好的梦想,不要被一个JD 梦限制了以后好几年的道路.

发表于 2005-11-8 13:30:00 | 只看该作者

Hi,Irena,I like what you said.

我们俩好像在一唱一和:=)take care of yourself.

发表于 2005-11-8 22:04:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Irena在2005-11-8 6:40:00的发言:


适合读法律的年龄是男女有别的.在这里看到的TOP 14大陆男生, 一半是三十岁和以上的. 可是, 女生连过26岁的都不多见,而且大多是有家庭,老公事业成功稳定的.



发表于 2005-11-11 21:51:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-11-14 03:17:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-11-17 02:43:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Elsaxw在2005-11-6 5:38:00的发言:

There are so many clashing views associated with various cases about whether you should pursue your dream or not.  It is really up to you to discern them.  We are so young with limited vista that we may not have an entire view of our whole life right at this age. Always try to think this way that what you are doing in your age at 50, what kind of life you like most and what kind of preson you want to be.  US is different than China and China is getting closer to US. US encourages everyone to  go boldly with his dream. The dream makes us different.  The ability makes us distinguished.

About the life in US, I don't think you will have any problems with the loan.  Almost all my JD friends live partly on loan and partly on scholarship. Majority of them who already graduated are working in the top 5 law firms. The repayment after graduation is a samll part of their earnings.  But you need hard work for the good socres and rankings for the better chance of getting into the top law firms.  Besides, there will be many other important things,such as new friends,life and view, you will get from this exprience,which is usually far beyond what you currently imagine. I tell what I know about the real life of some JDs in US top law schools. Hope they can give you some ideas.

Everything has its risk. If you don't study JD,then you end up being a Chinese lawyer or whatever. Can you say this career life won't have any risk? Will you not regret? Is that worth risking all your life?  Risk is gone when faced with our determination and efforts. Don't waste too much time thinking, go straight do it. It is alway doing that beats saying and thinking. You will know deeper if you are doing a thing but not  just thinking of it.  You know that well.  In Chinese--- XUE2,SI1,XING2 are integrated with each other.

I 'd happy to know you have a dream with JD.  Not too many people have such a big dream.  I feel really sorry if you give up your dream. As far as the age is concerned, there are many so-called old JDs or even older in top law schools. I agree  wisdom and memory is increasing with the age not otherwise.  You have a thorough view and insight about the theories and cases when getting older.  Memory is boosted with the increasingly deepened interpretation ability.  Memory lapse occurs when you don't pay full concentration or lose will power or interest in the career or life or being careless with life.  If you have a good LSAT score with other things not bad, I don't doubt that you will have fruit from your efforts. Be sincere and honest.  As for the life advice, it is also good to seek the elders' opinions since they accumulate more life experience and could tell us something from the perspectives of being at later stage of the life. There once were ntional poll conducted in France which asked if time went back to sixty years ago, what you would do agian.  60% of elder people say they would study and pursue their dream and they regreted they hadn't. But be careful--- 40% of elder people say other ways. Therefore, it is a matter of personal life style,taste and dream.  Do you regret if you give up?  

Good luck with your application!

    Today is a very long day for me.  I feel like I really need something to encourage me.  So I went back to chasedream to look for this small essay.   I would say that I have seldom read so good an essay written by a non-native speaker.  It's a beautiful essay with proper structures, good vocabulary and most important, with inspiration.   Way to go!
发表于 2005-12-7 04:18:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2005-12-12 00:44:00 | 只看该作者



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