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楼主: ananawhc
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发表于 2024-7-28 20:43:39 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
感觉楼主应该就是想探探OB教职的底 这不是很正常吗
发表于 2024-7-29 01:09:07 | 只看该作者
yuhaoyang2001 发表于 2024-7-28 20:43
感觉楼主应该就是想探探OB教职的底 这不是很正常吗

7-point Likert scale or probability?
If 7-point Likert scale , the answer surely is "strongly unlikely".
if probability, is there an AI model to predict individual outcome?
If there is, what are the predictor variable and what are the values of his/hers?
What does "毕业前没什么发表"mean?
Having 2 paper under Org Science R&R is 毕业前没什么发表
No any submission to any journal is also 毕业前没什么发表
What does "其他硬件方面也没有优势" mean?
Too old? Too straight? Too autisic?

Or he/she simply wants to know the probability of geting a tenur-track job after geting a business phd degree from an OK phd program .
Then he/she can simply got to the websits of all the OK phd programs and check their placement records and resumes of each record.

发表于 2024-7-30 01:02:08 | 只看该作者

By the way, I would not belittle the value of a Ph.D. degree. Ph.D. programs are designed to be a crucible at reputable business schools in North America (and probably much of Europe, plus HK and Singapore), and those who survive it are rightly proud of themselves. While many smart people have no hankering for a Ph.D., those who hold one are generally smart enough. Walden University, National University, and the like also ostensibly offer Ph.D. programs, but those are something else.

A Ph.D. is worth ten Master's, as they say. This may be an overstatement but is revealing. It is true that most industry professional-turned faculty of practice only have an MBA or Master's or even an undergraduate degree, but their intrinsic value as adjunct educators almost solely lies in their wealth of practical experience and wisdom accumulated over many years to offer.
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