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1.(261)According to a recent study by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the incidence of reported neck and back pain correlate positively to the amount of time spent in sitting positions at work.
A. correlate positively to
B. are correlated positively to
C. correlate positively with
D. are positively correlated to
E. correlates positively with
2.(262)To the distress of fans of musical theater, the producers are closing Meet Pauline, the first Broadway musical that had been written by a large group of composers and the inspiration for a plethora of similar works that crowded Broadway for years after.
(A) that had been written by a large group of composers and
(B) written by a large group of composers and which was
(C) to be written by a large group of composers and which was
(D) written by a large group of composers and
(E) to have been written by a large group of composers and was
3.(263)The proximity of wealth and of poverty in the downtown centers of many metropolises—there can be a luxury high rise on one block and a homeless encampment on the next—exemplifies the income inequality that has inspired grassroots political movements across the globe.
A. of poverty in the downtown centers of many metropolises—there can be a luxury high rise on one block and a homeless encampment on the next—exemplifies
B. of poverty in the downtown centers of many metropolises—there can be a block with a luxury high rise and a homeless encampment on the next—exemplify
C. poverty in the downtown centers of many metropolises—there can be a luxury high rise on one block and a homeless encampment on the next—exemplifies
D. poverty in the downtown centers of many metropolises—there can be a luxury high rise on one block and a homeless encampment on the next—exemplify
E. poverty in the downtown centers of many metropolises—there can be a block with a luxury high rise and a homeless encampment on the next—exemplifies
4.(264)Although many video games are situated in fantasy worlds quite unlike our own, others feature human characters that embark on careers, get married, have their own children, just as real people do.
A. that embark on careers, get married, have their own children, just as real people do
B. who embark on careers, just like real people, to get married and have children of their own
C. who, just like real people, begin to embark on careers; they also get married, having children of their own
D. who embark on careers, just like real people getting married, and have children of their own
E. who, just like real people, embark on careers, get married, and have children of their own
5.(265)The ancient Inca city of Macchu Picchu, perched on a ridge in the Andes Mountains of Peru, had been built at a high enough altitude that it often makes modern-day tourists from lower elevations sick with oxygen deprivation.
A. had been built at a high enough altitude that it often makes modern-day tourists from lower elevations sick with oxygen deprivation
B. had been built at so high of an altitude that it often makes modern-day tourists from lower elevations sick from oxygen deprivation
C. was built at a high enough altitude that modern day tourists from lower elevations often become sick with oxygen deprivation when visiting the city
D. was built at such a high altitude that modern-day tourists from lower elevations often become sick from oxygen deprivation when visiting the city
E. was built at so high of an altitude that it often makes modern-day tourists from lower elevations sick from oxygen deprivation
6.(266)Oil traders have profited handsomely from the recent rise in its price.
A. in its price
B. in oil price
C. in the price of oil
D. of oil price
E. of the oil price
7.(267)Since 1929, when the global telegraph business peaked, the number of tellegrams delivered annually have decreased from 200 million to only 21,000 last year.
A. have decreased from 200 million
B. have been reduced from 200 million
C. has decreased from 200 million
D. has been reduced from 200 million down
E. has decreased from 200 million down
8.(268)Technological innovations such as the internet, which proliferated at a pace seemingly unique in the 21st century, were in fact similar to the explosion of new technology during the industrial revolution that drastically changed life in analogous ways in the 18th century.
(A) Technological innovations such as the internet, which proliferated at a pace seemingly unique in the 21st century, were in fact similar to the explosion of new technology during the industrial revolution that
(B) The impact of technological innovations such as the internet, which proliferated in the 21st century at a pace that may seem unique, was similar to that of the explosion of new technology during the industrial revolution and
(C) The pace at which technological innovations such as the internet have proliferated in the 21st century may seem unique, but it is similar to the industrial revolution’s new technology, which exploded and
(D) The pace at which technological innovations such as the internet proliferated is seemingly unique in the 21st century, but the industrial revolution provided an explosion of new technology and
(E) The pace at which technological innovations such as the internet have proliferated may seem unique to the 21st century, but the industrial revolution provided an explosion of new technology that
9.(269)The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons of American literature, greatly beloved by generations past and present.
(A) The author Herman Melville and the poet Walt Whitman are icons
(B) Herman Melville the author and Walt Whitman the poet are icons
(C) The author named Herman Melville and the poet named Walt Whitman are great icons
(D) The author, Herman Melville, and the poet, Walt Whitman, are icons
(E) Herman Melville, the author, and Walt Whitman, the poet, had been icons
10. (270)Compared to alligators, crocodiles are better able to tolerate high salinity, because, unlike alligators, the glands on crocodiles' tongues can expel salt.
A. Compared to alligators, crocodiles are better able to tolerate high salinity, because, unlike alligators, the glands on crocodiles' tongues can expel salt
B. Unlike alligators' tongues, salt can be expelled through the glands on crocodiles' tongues, making crocodiles better than alligators at tolerating high salinity
C. Salt can be expelled through the glands on crocodiles' tongues and not through those on alligators' tongues; therefore, compared to alligators, crocodiles are more tolerant of high salinity
D. Unlike alligators, crocodiles can expel salt through the glands on their tongues; crocodiles are thus more tolerant of high salinity than are alligators
E. Compared with alligators, crocodiles are better at tolerating high salinity, because they can expel salt through the glands on their tongues while alligators' tongues cannot