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1.(531)The current lemur population of Madagascar of roughly 2,000 will drop below 1,000 within five years if present trends are not reversed through either government action or private efforts.
A. current lemur population of Madagascar of roughly 2,000 will drop below 1,000 within five years if present trends are not reversed through either government action or
B. current lemur population of Madagascar is roughly 2,000 and will drop below 1,000 within five years if present trends were not reversed either through government action or through
C. lemur population of Madagascar is currently roughly 2,000, which will drop below 1,000 within five years if present trends would not be reversed either through government action or
D. lemur population of Madagascar is currently roughly 2,000 and will drop below 1,000 within five years if present trends are not reversed either through government action or through
E. current rough lemur population of Madagascar is 2,000; this would drop below 1,000 within five years if present trends were not reversed either through government action or
2.(532)The Philippines are one of the few nations to qualify as both megadiversity countries and conservation hotspots based on its large numbers of highly unique endangered species.
A. are one of the few nations to qualify as both megadiversity countries and conservation hotspots based on its
B. are one of the few nations that qualifies as both a megadiversity country and a conservation hotspot based on their
C. is one of the few nations that qualify as both megadiversity countries and conservation hotspots on the basis of their
D. is one of the few nations qualified as both megadiversity countries and conservation hotspots by its
E. is one of the few nations qualifying as both a megadiversity country and a conservation hotspot on the basis of the
3.(533)During the performance, a challenging work by an artist whose devotees say has become more open than ever to meta-reflection and revision, Abramović reconnected with Ulay, the former longtime partner she had until then not seen in decades.
A. whose devotees say has become more open than ever to meta-reflection and revision, Abramović reconnected
B. who devotees say she has become ever more open to meta-reflection and revision, Abramović reconnected
C. whose devotees say she has become more than ever open to meta-reflection and revision, Abramović reconnects
D. who devotees say has become ever more open to meta-reflection and revision, Abramović reconnected
E. who devotees say becomes more open than ever to meta-reflection and revision, Abramović is reconnecting
4.(534)In July 2015, several news organizations accused Najib Razak, the prime minister of Malaysia and chairman of state-owned investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad, of carrying out a massive scheme to divert nearly 2.6 billion ringgit from the Malaysian government into his personal bank accounts.
A. of carrying out a massive scheme to divert
B. to carry out a massive scheme to divert
C. with the carrying out of a massive scheme for the diverting of
D. who had carried out a massive scheme, diverting
E. having carried out a massive scheme that had diverted
5.(535)He worked as an analyst for as little as, if not less, than two and a half years by the time he had received his first promotion.
A. He worked as an analyst for as little as, if not less, than two and a half years by the time he had received his first promotion
B. His work as an analyst had been for as few, if not fewer than, two and a half years by the time he received his first promotion
C. He had worked as an analyst for as little as two and a half years, if not less, by the time he received his first promotion
D. He has worked as an analyst for as few as two and a half years, if not fewer, by the time he has received his first promotion
E. His work as an analyst was as few as, if not fewer than, two and a half years by the time the first promotion was received by him
6.(536)Even though their structure and alphabet are not similar to those of Romance languages, the Russian language has many parallels to French.
A) Even though their structure and alphabet are
B) Even though structurally and alphabetically it is
C) Though it has a structure and an alphabet that is
D) Although its structure and alphabet are
E) While there are structures and alphabets that are
7.(537)Genes not inherited from your parents, long thought to be irrelevant to genetics research, are apparently important in determining your lot in life; for example, where parents, who have certain gene variants, their children are more likely to go to college, regardless of whether their children have those same variants.
A. where parents, who have certain gene variants, their children are more likely to go to college,
B. if parents have certain gene variants, their children are more likely to go to college,
C. if parents, having certain gene variants, have children more likely to go to college,
D. where parents, who have certain gene variants, have children more likely to go to college,
E. if parents have certain gene variants, their children, more likely to go to college,
8.(538)The recently published articles demonstrate how the latest datum from Dr. J. Bennett's, a newly appointed professor at Hoffman University, research are beginning to elucidate the shaping of human behavior.
(A) how the latest datum from Dr. J. Bennett's, a newly appointed professor at Hoffman University, research are beginning to elucidate the shaping of human behavior
(B) how the latest data from a newly appointed professor at Hoffman University, Dr. J. Bennett's, research is beginning to elucidate the shaping of human behavior
(C) how the latest data from the research of a newly appointed professor at Hoffman University, Dr. J. Bennett, is beginning to elucidate the shaping of human behavior
(D) how the latest data from Dr. J. Bennett's research, a newly appointed professor at Hoffman University, are beginning to elucidate the shaping of human behavior
(E) how the latest datum from the research of a newly appointed professor at Hoffman University, Dr. J. Bennett, are beginning to elucidate the shaping of human behavior
9.(539)Situated on a splendid Adriatic harbor and surrounded by hills, blessed with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, a variety of museums, great restaurants, and a vital, multicultural population, the city has just about everything a visitor could ask for.
a)Situated on a splendid Adriatic harbor and surrounded by hills, blessed with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, a variety of museums, great restaurants, and a vital, multicultural population
b)Situated on a splendid Adriatic harbor, surrounded by hills, blessed with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, and a variety of museums, great restaurants, as well as a vital, multicultural population
c)Situated on a splendid Adriatic harbor, surrounded by hills, and blessed with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, a variety of museums, great restaurants, and a vital, multicultural population
d)Situated on a splendid Adriatic harbor, as well as surrounded by hills, blessed with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, a variety of museums, great restaurants, and a vital, multicultural population
e)Situated on a splendid Adriatic harbor, surrounded by hills, as well as blessed with an average of 300 days of sunshine a year, and a variety of museums, great restaurants, and a vital, multicultural population
10.(540)While students in rural areas graduate from high school at rates second only to those of suburban students (by a single percentage point), and perform at or above the national average on the ACT and SAT exams, enroll in four year colleges and universities, and pursue advanced degrees at significantly lower rates.
A exams, enroll in four year colleges and universities, and
B exams, they enroll in four-year colleges and universities and
C exams; they enroll in four-year colleges and universities and they
D exams, rural students enroll in four year colleges, universities, and
E exams, enroll in four year colleges and universities, and they