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1.(501)The crisis in California is the result of a cascade effect, in which a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplifying each other.
(A) in which a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplifying each other.
(B) in which a series of disasters had overlapped, triggering or amplifying each other.
(C) which is a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplified each other.
(D) in which a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplifying the other.
(E) which is a series of disasters overlap, triggering or amplifying each other.
2.(502)Although severely damaged in the hurricane, the captain was able to repair the generator so that it could power the hospital until the city’s electricity was restored.
A: Although severely damaged in the hurricane, the captain was able to repair
B: Although severely damaged in the hurricane, the captain had repaired
C: Although it had been severely damaged in the hurricane, the captain was able to repair
D: Severely damaged though it had been in the hurricane, the captain had been able to repair
E: Damaged severely in the hurricane, the captain was able to repair
3.(503)Embedded in the back cover, biometric data, electronic fingerprints, pictures of the holder, and a wireless RFID transmitter contained in a computer chip have been inserted in every new U.S. passport since 2007.
A. Embedded in the back cover, biometric data, electronic fingerprints, pictures of the holder, and a wireless RFID transmitter contained in a computer chip have
B. A computer chip, embedded in the back cover, containing biometric data, electronic fingerprints, pictures of the holder, and a wireless RFID transmitter has
C. A computer chip embedded in the back cover and containing picture of the holder, biometric data and electronic fingerprints, and a wireless RFID transmitter have
D. Embedded in the back cover, a computer chip containing biometric data, electronic fingerprints, pictures of the holder, and a wireless RFID transmitter have
E. Embedded in the back cover, a computer chip containing biometric data, electronic fingerprints, pictures of the holder, and a wireless RFID transmitter has
4.(504)The director of personnel has avoided the cumbersome process of putting her complaints in writing and submitting them to her immediate supervisor and go directly to the board of directors.
A. has avoided the cumbersome process of putting her complaints in writing and submitting them to her immediate supervisor and go
B. avoided the cumbersome process of putting her complaints in writing and submitting them to her immediate supervisor and go
C. has avoided the cumbersome process in putting her complaints in writing and submitting them to her immediate supervisor and go
D. has avoided the cumbersome process of putting her complaints in writing and submitting them to her immediate supervisor and gone
E. avoided the cumbersome process of putting her complaints in writing and submitting them to her immediate supervisor and gone
5.(505)One hallmark of the mortgage-banking crisis, robo-signing, in which banks blindly accepted legal documents without checking them for accuracy or authenticity, has led to a series of lawsuits against large banks such as Bank of America and Citigroup.
(A) One hallmark of the mortgage-banking crisis, robo-signing, in which banks
(B) Robo-signing was one hallmark of the mortgage-banking crisis, in which banks
(C) Robo-signing, which was one hallmark of the mortgage-banking crisis and which banks
(D) One hallmark of the mortgage-banking crisis was robo-signing, in which banks
(E) One hallmark of the mortgage-banking crisis was robo-signing, and banks
6.(506)Mathematicians joke that a coffee mug is indistinguishable from a bagel, referring to the fact that these two items are topologically equivalent.
a. joke that a coffee mug is indistinguishable from a bagel, referring to the fact that these two items are topologically equivalent
b. referring to their topological equivalence, joke that a coffee mug is indistinguishable from a bagel.
c. have a joke according to which a coffee mug is indistinguishable for its topological equivalence to a bagel.
d. who are referring to their topological equivalence joke that a coffee mug is indistinguishable from a bagel.
e. joke that a coffee mug is indistinguishable from a bagel, which refers to the fact that these two items are topologically equivalent
7.(507)John F. Kennedy, one of the most social U.S. presidents, held many parties in his family home, they featured elaborate meals of local fish and lobster, famous guests, and late nights.
(A) John F. Kennedy, one of the most social U.S. presidents, held many parties in his family home, they featured
(B) Parties were held in one of the most social U.S. president’s home, John F. Kennedy, and they featured
(C) John F. Kennedy, who was one of the most social U.S. presidents in his family home, held parties that featured
(D) John F. Kennedy, one of the most social U.S. presidents, held many parties in his family home that featured
(E) In his family home, John F. Kennedy, one of the most social U.S. presidents, held many parties that featured
8.(508)The usual course of events when nature comes unhinged—as it did in the 2017 wildfires of California—is that researchers and officials look back in time, try to understand what happened, and they assess and address the damage done.
(A) that researchers and officials look back in time, try to understand what happened, and they assess and address the damage done
(B) that researchers and officials look back in time, try to understand what happened, assessing and addressing the damage done
(C) for researchers and officials to look back in time, try to understand what happened, assess and address the damage done
(D) for researchers and officials to look back in time, try to understand what happened, as they assess and address the damage done
(E) for researchers and officials to look back in time, trying to understand what happened, as they assess and address the damage done
9.(509)Spain’s governing coalition has come under strain as it pushes its painful austerity measures, and it must now enforce agreed-upon measures, laying off 4,000 civil servants by the end of August, which will push forward a stalled project to privatize state assets.
A. Spain’s governing coalition has come under strain as it pushes its painful austerity measures, and it must now enforce agreed-upon measures, laying off 4,000 civil servants by the end of August, which will push forward a stalled project to privatize state assets.
B. Spain’s governing coalition, coming under strain as it pushes its painful austerity measures, must now enforce agreed-upon measures and lay off 4,000 civil servants by the end of August, pushing forward a stalled project to privatize state assets.
C. Spain’s governing coalition, which has come under strain as it pushes its painful austerity measures, must now enforce agreed-upon measures, laying off 4,000 civil servants by the end of August and pushing forward a stalled project to privatize state assets.
D. Spain’s governing coalition, which has come under strain as it pushes its painful austerity measures and must now enforce agreed-upon measures, laying off 4,000 civil servants by the end of August and pushing forward a stalled project to privatize state assets.
E. Spain’s governing coalition has come under strain as it pushes its painful austerity measures; it must now enforce agreed-upon measures, and lay off 4,000 civil servants by the end of August, pushing forward a stalled project to privatize state assets.
10.(510)A new telecommunication device gives the user the freedom to choose not only the radius of the distance of the signal, but also which of two differently priced methods of transmission are used to send the signal.
A. gives the user the freedom to choose not only the radius of the distance of the signal, but also which of two differently priced methods of transmission are used to send
B. is giving the user the freedom to choose not only the radius of the distance of the signal, but also which of two differently priced methods of transmission are used for sending
C. gives the user the freedom to choose not only the radius of the distance of the signal, but also which of two differently priced methods of transmission is used to send
D. is giving the user the freedom to not only choose the radius of the distance of the signal, but also which of two differently priced methods of transmission is used to send
E. gives the user the freedom to choose not only the radius of the distance of the signal, but also to determine which one of two differently priced methods of transmission is used for sending