- 1533003
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- 2022-11-23
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- 1970-1-1
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tl:11.14 submit -> 11.28 WES -> 11.29 kira -> 12.7 interview invitation -> 12.12 interview -> 12.15 offer
Kira: how does COVID-19 effect your connection with your family?
面经with Laura:
1. 因为我是三年提前毕业,她问了我这个情况,还问了我现在在干什么
2. Challenge that you overcome in your internship
3. Why to choose to pursue master of our graduate studies
4. what is your long term goal?
Laura小姐姐人很好,开头先跟我说她怕听不清所以录屏。我回答过程中还会时不时点头微笑给我反应。总之面试很顺利,没有tech q,大家放松心情就当是跟朋友聊天一样,心态好了自然没问题。
面试最后没让我问问题,一共下来也就9分钟左右,她还说因为要放圣诞假了所以decision会推到一月,所以今天拿到offer其实还是意外之喜。 |