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1.(441)Though the conventional wisdom regarding the effectiveness of former U.S. presidents changes over time, the overwhelmingly positive reputations of the members of a select group of a few, most notably George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has seldom been called into question.
A. changes over time, the overwhelmingly positive reputations of the members of a select group of a few, most notably George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has seldom
B. is changing over time, the overwhelmingly positive reputations of the members of a select group of a few, most notably George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has seldom
C. changes over time, seldom has the overwhelmingly positive reputations of the members of a select group of a few, most notably George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
D. have changed over time, seldom have the overwhelmingly positive reputations of the members of a select group, most notably George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
E. changes over time, the overwhelmingly positive reputations of the members of a select group, most notably George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, have seldom
2.(442)The starling, a non-native bird species introduced to the United States to control insects, are now the country’s most common bird.
A. The starling, a non-native bird species introduced to the United States to control insects, are now the country’s most common bird.
B. Starlings are a species of non-native bird introduced to the United States to control insects and now the country’s most common bird.
C. The starling is a non-native bird species introduced to the United States to control insects and is now the country’s most common birds.
D. Starlings are a non-native bird species introduced to the United States to control insects and now the country’s most common birds.
E. The starling, a non-native bird species introduced to the United States to control insects, is now the country’s most common bird.
3.(443)The current account deficit, which measures not only trade in products and services but also investment flows between countries, have declined, leading some economists to predict the national deficit will also begin a decline.
A. which measures not only trade in products and services but also investment flows between countries, have declined, leading some economists to predict the national deficit will also begin a decline
B. which not only measures trade in products and services but also investment flows between countries, has declined, leading some economists to predict that the national deficit will begin a decline also
C. a measurement of not only trade in products and services but also investment flows between countries, has declined, leading some economists to predict that the national deficit will also begin a decline
D. a figure not only measuring trade in products and services but also investment flows between countries, has declined, leading some economists to predict that the national deficit will also begin a decline
E. a measurement not only of trade in products and services but also investment flows between countries, has declined, leading some economists to predict that the national deficit will begin a decline also
4.(444)Following an ancient rhythm, the Wind River Range is where bighorn sheep migrate more than 300 miles to the south and where the elevation is lower, winter is milder, and grass is easier to find.
A. Following an ancient rhythm, the Wind River Range is where bighorn sheep migrate more than 300 miles to the south and where the elevation is lower, winter is milder, and grass is easier to find.
B. Following an ancient rhythm, bighorn sheep in the Wind River Range migrate more than 300 miles to the south, where the elevation is lower, winter is milder, and where grass is easier to find.
C. Bighorn sheep in the Wind River Range follow an ancient rhythm by migrating more than 300 miles to the south, where the elevation is lower, winter is milder, and grass is easier for finding.
D. Bighorn sheep, following an ancient rhythm, migrate more than 300 miles to the south in the Wind River Range, where the elevation is lower, winter is milder, and where grass is easier to find.
E. Following an ancient rhythm, bighorn sheep in the Wind River Range migrate more than 300 miles to the south, where the elevation is lower, winter is milder, and grass is easier to find.
5.(445)The success of recent class-action lawsuits filed against three large mail order book clubs have led to a revision in the contractual language used by similar businesses.
A. have led to a revision in the contractual language used by similar businesses
B. has led to a revision in the contractual language used by similar businesses
C. has led them to a revision in the contractual language used by similar businesses
D. leads them to a revision used in the contractual language by similar businesses
E. have led to the revising of the contractual language used by similar businesses
6.(446)In the 21st century, the countries of the world will either find a way to drastically reduce global carbon emissions, or it will likely face unprecedented environmental problems in relation to global warming.
A. the countries of the world will either find a way to drastically reduce global carbon emissions, or it will face unprecedented environmental problems in relation to global warming
B. the countries of the world will either find a way to drastically reduce global carbon emissions, or they will face unprecedented environmental problems relating to global warming
C. either the countries of the world will find a way to drastically reduce global carbon emission, or it will face unprecedented environmental problems relating to global warming
D. either the countries of the world will find a way to drastically reduce global carbon emission or face unprecedented environmental problems in relation to global warming
E. the countries of the world will either find a way to drastically reduce global carbon emissions or face unprecedented environmental problems relating to global warming
7.(447)The damage caused by the series of storms were relatively minimal, but among the casualties were a cluster of farmhouses on the western outskirts of town.
A. were relatively minimal, but among the casualties were a cluster of farmhouses
B. were relatively minimal, but among the casualties was a cluster of farmhouses
C. was relatively minimal, but a cluster of farmhouses were among the casualties
D. was relatively minimal, but among the casualties was a cluster of farmhouses
E. was relatively minimal, but among the casualties were a cluster of farmhouses
8.(448)As the results of the referendum were tallied, neither the prime minister nor the members of parliament was surprised by the anger of the electorate.
A. were tallied, neither the prime minister nor the members of parliament was surprised by
B. had been tallied, neither the prime minister nor the members of parliament were surprised at
C. were tallied, neither the prime minister nor the members of parliament were surprised by
D. were being tallied, neither the members of parliament nor the prime minister were surprised at
E. were being tallied, neither of the members of parliament nor the prime minister was surprised with
9.(449)A chain of volcanic islands spread over several hundred miles of the Pacific Rim have been under close watch since the discovery of a new fault line in the area.
(A) A chain of volcanic islands spread over several hundred miles of the Pacific Rim have been under close watch
(B) A chain of volcanic islands, spreading over several hundred miles of the Pacific Rim, have been under close watch
(C) A chain of volcanic islands spread over several hundred miles of the Pacific Rim has been under close watch
(D) Spread out over several hundred miles of the Pacific Rim, a chain of volcanic islands were under close watch
(E) Spread out over several hundred miles of the Pacific Rim, a close watch has been kept on a chain of volcanic islands
10.(450)Some educators believe that too much emphasis is placed on standardized testing, while others say that they are effective and beneficial motivators.
(A) that too much emphasis is placed on standardized testing, while others say that they are
(B) that too much emphasis is placed on standardized testing, others say that the tests are
(C) that too much emphasis is placed on standardized testing, while others say that the tests are
(D) too much emphasis is placed on standardized testing, while others say that it is an
(E) standardized testing is too emphasized, while others say that they are