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1.(431)Designed to attract maximum attention, billboard advertisers use cutting-edge, digital billboards without static images and monochrome colors to convey more to passers-by than ever before.
A. Designed to attract maximum attention, billboard advertisers use cutting-edge, digital billboards without static images and monochrome colors to convey more to passers-by than ever before.
B. Designed as attractive, maximum attention-getting billboards are advertised using cutting-edge, digital billboards without static images and monochrome colors to convey more to passers-by than ever before.
C. Designed to attract maximum attention, cutting-edge digital billboards are used by billboard advertisers to convey more to passers-by than ever before, without static images and monochrome colors.
D. Designed for maximum attention attraction, cutting-edge digital billboards used by billboard advertisers, without static images and monochrome colors, convey more to passers-by than ever before.
E. Cutting-edge, digital billboards designed to attract maximum attention without static images and monochrome colors that are used by billboard advertisers to convey more to passers-by than ever before.
2.(432)Unlike the terms served by Grover Cleveland, separated by four years, all former two-term U.S. Presidents have served consecutive terms.
(A) Unlike the terms served by Grover Cleveland, separated by four years
(B) Besides the terms of Grover Cleveland that were separated by four years
(C) Except for Grover Cleveland, whose terms were separated by four years
(D) Aside from the terms of Grover Cleveland that were separated by four years
(E) Other than the separated terms of Grover Cleveland, of four years
3.(433)When a manufacturer is operating near plant capacity, there are fewer ways to find efficiencies in the system but that is certainly no excuse to stop looking.
(A) there are fewer ways to find efficiencies in the system but that is certainly no excuse to stop looking.
(B) there are less ways to find efficiencies in the system but that is certainly no excuse to stop looking.
(C) there is fewer ways to find efficiencies in the system but that is certainly no excuse to stop looking.
(D) there is less ways to find efficiencies in the system but that is certainly no excuse to stop looking.
(E) there are fewer ways to find efficiencies in the system but that is certainly no excuse to stop looking for it.
4.(434)The North American bald eagle is no longer threatened with imminent extinction, primarily on account of prohibiting hunting and the ban of a poisonous pesticide have led to a rebound in the eagle population.
(A) on account of prohibiting
(B) on account of their prohibiting
(C) because prohibitions on
(D) because of prohibiting
(E) because they prohibit
5.(435)The Great Depression has been studied in great deal by economists, primarily on account of providing insight into more recent economic conditions.
A on account of providing
B on account of its providing
C because of providing
D being it provides
E because it provides
6.(436)Some assisted living centers have a large staff that provides a wide range of services to residents, such as catering meals, delivering mail and to provide other postal services, and giving classes to help the residents stay in shape.
A. delivering mail and to provide
B. delivering mail and providing
C. delivering mail for providing
D. to deliver mail and to provide
E. to deliver mail providing
7.(437)Computer engineers commonly suffer from eye strain and fatigue, caused from sitting too close to a monitor for lengthy periods of time.
(A) caused from sitting too close to a monitor for lengthy periods of time.
(B) caused because they sat too close to a monitor for lengthy periods of time.
(C) a result from sitting for lengthy periods of time too near to a monitor.
(D) a result which came from sitting too close to a monitor for lengthy periods of time.
(E) a result of sitting too close to a monitor for lengthy periods of time.
8.(438)The Theropod dinosaur group, which included bloodthirsty killing-machines such as the Spinosaurus and Utahraptor that were notorious for sharp, serrated teeth that differentiated it from the herbivorous dinosaur groups.
A. group, which included bloodthirsty killing-machines such as the Spinosaurus and Utahraptor that were
B. group, which included bloodthirsty killing-machines such as the Spinosaurus and Utahraptor, were
C. group included bloodthirsty killing-machines such as the Spinosaurus and Utahraptor and were
D. group included bloodthirsty killing-machines such as the Spinosaurus and Utahraptor that was
E. group, which included bloodthirsty killing-machines such as the Spinosaurus and Utahraptor, was
9.(439)Companies that have been successful in this age of globalization have achieved that success both by selling to new, untapped markets and leveraging new, lower-cost sources of labor.
A. have achieved that success both by selling to new, untapped markets and leveraging
B. have achieved that success by both selling to new, untapped markets and by leveraging
C. have achieved that success both by selling to new, untapped markets and by leveraging
D. have been achieving that success both by selling to new, untapped markets and they leverage
E. are achieving that success by selling both to new, untapped markets and by leveraging
10.(440)Neither religion nor politics are particularly good choices for dinner conversation, but the guests at the state department dinner did not seem to heed this longstanding advice, as they spent most of the night debating the U.S. response to a recent Vatican decision.
(A) Neither religion nor politics are particularly good choices for dinner conversation, but
(B) Neither religion nor politics are particularly good choices for dinner conversation;
(C) Neither religion nor politics is a particularly good choice for dinner conversation, but
(D) Religion and politics is neither a particularly good choice for dinner conversation, but
(E) Religion, along with politics, are not particularly good choices for dinner conversation, and