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发表于 2022-12-14 15:09:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用Veritas Prep的语法真题结合曼哈顿论坛的精华讨论帖,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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朋友们!揽瓜阁语法小分队上线啦~每日材料我们仍旧会发布在ChaseDream GMAT 语法版块。
3. 本次小分队活动为纯公益性活动,为了督促大家学习,采取严格的打卡审查制度,连续三日不打卡的朋友会被无情清退。

1.(371)Like humans and other primates, most whales, dolphins, and porpoises shed skin and hair continuously, a little at a time, throughout the year.

(A) Like humans and other primates, most whales, dolphins, and porpoises shed skin and hair continuously, a little at a time, throughout the year.

(B) Like that of humans and other primates, most whales, dolphins, and porpoises shed skin and hair continuously throughout the year, a little at a time.

(C) As humans and other primates, most whales, dolphins, and porpoises shed skin and hair continuously throughout the year, a little at a time.

(D) Most whales, dolphins, and porpoises shed skin and hair continuously throughout the year, a little at a time, as humans and other primates.

(E) Most whales, dolphins, and porpoises, like humans and other primates do, shed skin and hair continuously throughout the year, a little at a time.

2.(372)Swift’s conception of “A Modest Proposal” was as a satirical commentary on Irish politics, a critique of colonial economics; instead, it was received as a serious suggestion that cannibalism was a reasonable solution to Ireland’s problems.

(A) Swift’s conception of “A Modest Proposal” was as a satirical commentary on Irish politics, a critique of colonial economics; instead, it was

(B) Swift conceived of “A Modest Proposal” as a satirical commentary on Irish politics, a critique of colonial economics, but which was

(C) Swift conceived of “A Modest Proposal” as a satirical commentary on Irish politics that critiqued colonial economics; instead, it was

(D) Swift conceived of “A Modest Proposal” to be a critique of colonial economics, a satirical commentary on Irish politics, which was

(E) Swift conceived of “A Modest Proposal” to be a satirical commentary on Irish politics, a critique of colonial economics, also it was

3.(373)Among the grant proposals submitted to the social services agency were those from community organizations led by volunteer citizens who were either applying for funding to provide direct services in the area of early childhood education or seeking subsidies for the publication of educational materials on the subject.

(A) to provide direct services in the area of early childhood education or seeking subsidies for the publication of educational materials on the subject
(B) to provide direct services in the area of early childhood education or to seek subsidies for the publication of educational materials on the subject
(C) to provide direct services in the area of early childhood education, and seeking subsidies for the publication of educational materials on the subject
(D) in providing direct services in the area of early childhood education or seeks subsidies for the publication of educational materials on the subject
(E) in providing direct services in the area of early childhood education or seeking subsidies for the publication of educational materials on the subject

4.(374)The first personal computers had severe hardware and software limitations similar to that of a modern wristwatch and so were unable to perform the complex operations necessary for today's processor-intensive applications.

(A) The first personal computers had severe hardware and software limitations similar to that of a modern wristwatch

(B) The first personal computers had severe hardware and software limitations similar to a modern wristwatch's

(C) The severe hardware and software limitations of the first personal computers were similar to those of a modern wristwatch

(D) The first personal computers' severe hardware and software limitations were similar to those of a modern wristwatch

(E) The severe hardware and software limitations of the first personal computers were similar to that of a modern wristwatch

5.(375)About 70 percent of the tomatoes grown in the United States come from seeds that have been engineered in a laboratory, their DNA modified with genetic material not naturally found in tomato species.

(A) come from seeds that have been engineered in a laboratory, their DNA modified with genetic material not naturally found in tomato species

(B) come from seeds that have been engineered in a laboratory, and also having their DNA modified with genetic material not naturally found in tomato species

(C) come from seeds engineered in a laboratory and that have had their DNA modified with genetic material not naturally found in tomato species

(D) comes from seeds that have been engineered in a laboratory and with their DNA modified with genetic material not naturally found in tomato species

(E) comes from seeds that have been engineered in a laboratory, and their DNA modified with genetic material not naturally found in tomato species

6.(376)Authors such as Elizabeth Kolbert were beginning to warn that human activity — greenhouse-gas emissions, urbanization, the global spread of invasive species — were driving Earth toward a “mass extinction” event and something that had occurred only five times since life emerged over 3 billion years ago.

A were driving Earth toward a “mass extinction” event and something that had occurred only five times since life emerged
B were driving Earth toward a “mass extinction” event, something that occurred only five times since life had emerged
C was driving Earth toward a “mass extinction” event and something that had occurred only five times since life emerged
D was driving Earth toward a “mass extinction” event, something that has occurred only five times since life emerged
E was driving Earth toward a “mass extinction” event and something that occurred only five times since life emerged

7.(377)Maximum commercial efficiency requires that large swathes of crops are grown in monoculture, under which conditions they become vulnerable to disease and premature death.

A. requires that large swathes of crops are grown in monoculture, under which conditions they become

B. requires that large swathes of crops are grown in monoculture, under which conditions it becomes

C. requires that large swathes of crops be grown in monoculture, under which conditions they become

D. requires that large swathes of crops be grown in monoculture, under which conditions it becomes

E. has a requirement that large swathes of crops are grown in monoculture, under which conditions it becomes

8.(378)Setting a precedent that lasted more than a century,George Washington disappointed the people insisting that he should run for a third term as president.

A.insisting that he should
B.insisting him to
C.and their insistence that he
D.who insisted that he
E.who insisted him to

9.(379)In California and New York, Democratic challengers will need to spend more heavily in the months ahead to beat back rivals for their own party’s nomination, or to introduce themselves to voters against Republicans who are already well-known.

(A) nomination, or to introduce
(B) nomination, introduce
(C) nomination by introducing
(D) nomination, and introducing
(E) nomination through the introduction of

10.(380)Featured in circuses for more than a century, trapeze artists hang from swings by the ankles and perform acrobatic maneuvers, rebalancing frequently enough that spectators see only his continuous, fluid movement.

(A) trapeze artists hang from swings by the ankles and perform acrobatic maneuvers, rebalancing frequently enough

(B) trapeze artists hang from swings by the ankles, they perform acrobatic maneuvers, and with such frequent rebalancing

(C) trapeze artists use their ankles to hang from swings, perform acrobatic maneuvers, and rebalance so frequently that

(D) the trapeze artist hangs from swings by his ankles, performing acrobatic maneuvers and rebalancing so frequently

(E) the trapeze artist hangs from swings by his ankles, performs acrobatic maneuvers, and he rebalances frequently enough

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发表于 2022-12-14 16:37:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-14 16:46:04 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-14 16:52:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-14 17:15:30 | 只看该作者
A 物种之间又在比较,后面又连了skin,不对{nm,shed就已经是动词了}
B {that搞模糊了}
C as直接跟名词表作为的意思,不是比较
D 最后面的as也是如此,不跟名词
E like后面只能跟名词,like...do不对
A 所有格对比下面几种格式来说不是很好
B but which was 不对
D concieved to be不对
E also it was不对
B either or 不平行
C 不是and 是or
D either or不平行
E to 好一些
A 不该是had {that of不对}
B 同A
C {CDE是因为limitations跟划线后面的对不上,他们不能够发出unable这个动作,所以是逻辑的问题}
D 所有格不简洁
E 不该是that of 因为是limitations
A 数据做主语,谓语动词用单数 ,come错{有病,主语还是tomatoes啊}
B 同A
C 同A
D and with不对
A and后面没谓语
B {that从句的逻辑主语是human activity,所以后面是单数}
C 还是authors坐主语,such as只是一个例子,所以was错误{and something that不对}
D 同C
E 同C
A 虚拟标志词require,后面的谓语用原形,所以用be
B 同A
D it不对
E 名词不优选
A 用定语从句更清晰
B 同A
C 不是名词insistence
E insist that比 to好
B 直接一个动词原形在这是要干嘛
C 不是by,而是另一种方法
D and introducing前面没有平行的
E 更怪了
A enough that不优选
B 直接they了哇
C 不是use ,perform 和rebalance的平行
E 平行意思都不对,而且后面又出现个he,更不对了
发表于 2022-12-15 10:40:22 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-15 12:42:00 | 只看该作者
4.b and were unable,主语是电脑,limitations可看出对应的those,排除a
9.d 跟据his排除ABC,根据句意留下d
发表于 2022-12-15 16:22:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-15 18:35:17 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者
发表于 2022-12-15 19:09:16 | 只看该作者
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