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1.(321)While the Eastern Whip-poor-will – a nocturnal bird that feeds mostly in the very early morning – and the Common Nighthawk – a nocturnal bird from the same family that, despite its name, feeds mostly during the morning and evening– appear equal in size to each other when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
A. appear equal in size to each other when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
B. appear equal in size to one another when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
C. appear equal in size when sitting on a branch or in a nest; in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan.
D. appear equal in size to each other when they are sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan
E. appear equal in size when they are seen on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan.
2.(322)In contrast to 19th-century wars, in which most casualties resulted from disease, over two-thirds of the troops killed on the battlefield in World War I resulted from direct combat.
(A) In contrast to 19th-century wars, in which most casualties resulted from disease, over two-thirds of the troops killed on the battlefield in World War I resulted from direct combat.
(B) In contrast to 19th-century wars, in which most casualties resulted from disease, World War I had over two-thirds of its troops killed from direct combat on the battlefield.
(C) In contrast to troops in 19th-century wars, in which most casualties resulted from disease, over two-thirds of the troops killed on the battlefield in World War I resulted from direct combat.
(D) While most casualties in 19th-century wars resulted from disease, over two-thirds of the troops killed on the battlefield in World War I resulted from direct combat.
(E) Whereas most casualties in 19th-century wars resulted from disease, over two-thirds of the casualties in World War I resulted from direct combat on the battlefield.
3.(323)By combining the amount of plastic entering the ocean in each country, a known quantity from previous researchers’ work, with their own observations, researchers from Greenpeace were able to estimate how much plastic was likely on reefs in 15 different nations in the Asia-Pacific region.
A. By combining the amount of plastic entering the ocean in each country, a known quantity from previous researchers’ work, with their own observations, researchers from Greenpeace were able
B. A known quantity from previous researchers’ work, the amount of plastic entering the ocean in each country, combined with their own observations, allowed researchers from Greenpeace to be able
C. The amount of plastic entering the ocean in each country, a known quantity from previous researchers’ work, combined with their own observations, allowed researchers from Greenpeace to be able
D. By combining the amount of plastic entering the ocean in each country, a known quantity from previous researchers’ work, and with their own observations, researchers from Greenpeace were able
E. The amount of plastic entering the ocean in each country, a known quantity from previous researchers’ work, and combined with their own observations, allowed researchers from Greenpeace to
4.(324)On the recommendation of top financial advisors, corporate officials diverted one million dollars into the bond market just before the government lowered interest rates, which was a very fiscally responsible decision.
(A) On the recommendation of top financial advisors, corporate officials diverted one million dollars into the bond market just before the government lowered interest rates, which was a very fiscally responsible decision.
(B) Corporate officials, on the recommendation of top financial advisors, diverted one million dollars into the bond market just before the government lowered interest rates, which was a very fiscally responsible decision.
(C) On the recommendation of top financial advisors, corporate officials diverted one million dollars into the bond market just before the government lowered interest rates, which was a very fiscally irresponsible decision.
(D) Just before the government lowered interest rates, top financial advisors told corporate officials to divert one million dollars into the bond market and that turned out to be a very fiscally responsible decision.
(E) Just after the government lowered interest rates, top financial advisors told corporate officials to divert one million dollars into the bond market and that turned out to be a very fiscally responsible decision.
5.(325)The rare bird, considered extinct for over fifty years and actually thriving in a remote part of the Andes, has made a remarkable comeback over the past decade.
(A) The rare bird, considered extinct for over fifty years and actually thriving in a remote part of the Andes, has made a remarkable comeback over the past decade.
(B) The rare bird, which had been considered extinct for over fifty years but it was actually thriving in a remote part of the Andes, has made a remarkable comeback over the past decade.
(C) The rare bird, which was considered extinct for over fifty years and had actually been thriving in a remote part of the Andes, made a remarkable comeback over the past decade
(D) The rare bird was considered extinct for over fifty years, but it was actually thriving in a remote part of the Andes, and, over the past decade, has made a remarkable comeback.
(E) The rare bird was considered extinct for over fifty years, was actually thriving in a remote part of the Andes, and, over the past decade, has made an remarkable comeback.
6.(326)The kindergarten teacher had the children in the class gather snowflakes outdoors to demonstrate that, like people, no two snowflakes is similar enough to justify labeling them exact replicas.
A. that, like people, no two snowflakes is similar enough to justify labeling them
B. the fact that no two snowflakes, like no two people, is similar enough to justify the labeling of them
C. how no two snowflakes, or people, is similar enough to justify their being labeled
D. that no two snowflakes, just like no two people, are similar enough to justify the labeling of them
E. that, like people, no two snowflakes are similar enough to justify labeling them
7.(327)There is crude oil and natural gas supplied to the refineries of North America and to the world by the 800-mile-long Trans Alaska Pipeline System.
(A) There is crude oil and natural gas supplied to the refineries of North America and to the world by the 800-mile-long Trans Alaska Pipeline System.
(B) By the 800-mile-long Trans Alaska Pipeline System the refineries of North America and the world are supplied with crude oil and natural gas.
(C) The 800-mile-long Trans Alaska Pipeline System supplies crude oil and natural gas to the refineries of North America and to the world.
(D) The refineries of North America and the world are supplied with crude oil and natural gas by the 800-mile-long Trans Alaska Pipeline System.
(E) Crude oil and natural gas are supplied by the 800-mile-long Trans Alaska Pipeline System to the refineries of North America and to the world.
8.(328)Nothing quite like this Broadway production has ever been made before, and it proved to be a huge hit, broadcast in 20 different countries and around the world.
A. Nothing quite like this Broadway production has ever been made before, and it proved to be a huge hit, broadcast in 20 different countries and around the world.
B. This Broadway production, something which has never been made before, proved to be a huge hit, broadcast around the world in 20 different countries.
C. Unlike anything that had ever been made before, this Broadway production proved to be a huge hit, broadcasting in 20 different countries and around the world.
D. Nothing quite like this Broadway show had ever been made before, and it proved to be a huge hit, broadcast in 20 different countries around the world.
E. Nothing quite like this Broadway show was made before, and it had proved to be a huge hit, broadcast in 20 different countries around the world.
9.(329)The defective thermometers will sometimes fail to register a fever when it is present and indicate that there is one when it is not.
A. a fever when it is present and indicate that there is one
B. a fever when it is present and indicate that one is present
C. when a fever is present and indicate that there is one
D. when a fever is present and indicates its presence
E. the presence of a fever when it is there and indicates its presence
10.(330)Doctors sometimes insist that their patients’ illnesses are the result of depression, but in ascribing these ailments to a psychological disorder, the patients are in effect told that these illnesses are all in their head.
A. in ascribing these ailments to a psychological disorder
B. if these ailments are ascribed as the cause for a psychological disorder
C. in ascribing a psychological disorder as the cause for these ailments
D. if these ailments are ascribed to a psychological disorder
E. in ascribing a psychological disorder to these ailments