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1.(121)Since 2005, a 50-acre chunk of hillside — almost eight million cubic yards of rock, enough to fill 60 football stadiums to the top of the bleachers, eight stories up — had been sliding slowly downhill in the one of the canyons outside Malibu; if and when it will stop remains unclear to geologists.
A. rock, enough to fill 60 football stadiums to the top of the bleachers, eight stories up — had been sliding
B. rock, which is enough to fill 60 football stadiums to the top of the bleachers and eight stories up — had been sliding
C. rock, an amount that is enough to fill 60 football stadiums to the top of the bleachers, which is eight stories up — had been sliding
D. rock, enough to fill 60 football stadiums to the top of the bleachers, eight stories up — has been sliding
E. rock, an amount that is enough to fill 60 football stadiums to the top of the bleachers, which is eight stories up — slid
2.(122)Over the past two years, legislators have been revising environmental regulations and creating new restrictions that are increasingly difficult for companies to circumvent them.
A. legislators have been revising environmental regulations and creating new restrictions that are increasingly difficult for companies to circumvent them
B. legislators have revised environmental regulations and created new restrictions that are increasingly difficult for companies circumventing them
C. legislators are revising environmental regulations and creating new restrictions that are increasingly difficult for companies to circumvent
D. while legislators have been revising environmental regulations and creating new restrictions, it is increasingly difficult for companies to circumvent them
E. legislators have revised environmental regulations and created new restrictions that are increasingly difficult for companies to circumvent
3.(123)The plateau in global warming that took place in the 1950’s and 60’s is still not well understood; however, evidence from several Notre Dame researchers suggest that sunlight-blocking pollution from dirty factories may have played a role, just as natural variability did in ocean circulation.
A. understood; however, evidence from several Notre Dame researchers suggest that sunlight-blocking pollution from dirty factories may have played a role, just as natural variability did in ocean circulation
B. understood; however, evidence from several Notre Dame researchers suggest that sunlight-blocking pollution from dirty factories may have played a role, in the same way that natural variability did in ocean circulation
C. understood, but evidence from several Notre Dame researchers suggest that sunlight-blocking pollution from dirty factories may have played a role, as natural variability did in ocean circulation
D. understood, but evidence from several Notre Dame researchers suggests that sunlight-blocking pollution from dirty factories may have played a role, as did natural variability in ocean circulation
E. understood, but evidence from several Notre Dame researchers suggests that sunlight-blocking pollution from dirty factories may have played a role, as natural variability may have in ocean circulation
4.(124)After the Great Depression’s exceptionally high unemployment rates, job prospects did improve in the late 1930’s, but as late as 1941 nearly 1 in 6 people were still out of work.
(A) After the Great Depression’s exceptionally high unemployment rates, job prospects did improve in the late 1930’s, but
(B) Although job prospects did improve in the late 1930’s after the Great Depression, a period in which unemployment rates were exceptionally high,
(C) Following the Great Depression’s exceptionally high unemployment rates, job prospects did improve in the late 1930’s, and
(D) While job prospects did improve in the late 1930’s after the Great Depression’s exceptionally high unemployment rates,
(E) Despite the fact that job prospects did improve in the 1930’s after the Great Depression and its exceptionally high unemployment rates,
5.(125)In all, the new algorithm sorts through thousands of bits of information about a person and their online behavior: what sites a person visits; what types of language, positive or negative, a person uses to describe certain technologies; the skills that are listed on a person’s resume; and the school a person attended and in what major, as well as that school’s ranking in U.S. News and World Report.
A) the skills that are listed on a person’s resume; and the school a person attended and in what major, as well as that school’s ranking in U.S. News and World Report.
B) the skills that are listed on a person’s resume; the school a person attended; and the major of that person, as well as that school’s ranking in U.S. News and World Report.
C) what skills are listed on a person’s resume; what school a person attended; and what major, as well as that school’s ranking in U.S. News and World Report.
D) what skills are listed on a person’s resume; and what school a person attended, as well as the major and ranking of that school in U.S. News and World Report.
E) what skills are listed on a person’s resume; and what school a person attended and in what major, as well as the ranking of that school in U.S. News and World Report.
6.(126)Contrary to popular belief, bats are not blind, and in fact are among the most sensory animals on the planet; they use sonar to locate prey, and their ability to communicate adially at wide range of frequencies assists them in mating, helping them to distinguish their own species from that of others.
(A) assists them in mating, helping them to distinguish their own species from that of others.
(B) assist them in mating, helping them to distinguish their own species from that of others.
(C) assists them in mating, helping them to distinguish their own species from those of others.
(D) assists their mating, helping them to distinguish their own species from those of others.
(E) assists them in mating, helping them to distinguish their own species from others.
7.(127)The sudden and overwhelming interest in exotic pets that were spurred by recent television shows has unsurprisingly led to the mistreatment and even abandonment of these animals by people who did not realize the level of maintenance required.
A. were spurred by recent television shows has unsurprisingly led to the mistreatment and even
B. were spurred by recent television shows have unsurprisingly led to the mistreatment and even
C. was spurred by recent television shows have unsurprisingly led to the mistreatment and even
D. was spurred by recent television shows has unsurprisingly led to the mistreatment and even
E. was spurred by recent television shows has unsurprisingly led to mistreatment and even the
8.(128)A local school board has passed a measure requiring principals provide parents with course materials so as to improve the quality of their children's education.
A) provide parents with course materials so as to
B) to provide parents with course materials so as to
C) provide parents with course materials in order that they
D) to provide parents with course materials so that they can
E) provide parents with course materials and
9.(129)Growing out of a need for affordable housing during the Great Depression, the first student housing cooperatives were structured as not-for-profit organizations, whose members made small payments toward their room and board, then taking turns performing household duties, such as meal preparation and property maintenance.
(A) board, then taking turns performing
(B) board, and then taking turns performing
(C) board and then took turns performing
(D) board and then took turns, they performed
(E) board and then took turns and performed
10.(130)After all the recent political changes, the Syrians are figuring out again how they relate to each other and to the city they have always lived in without quite fully owning — figuring out how to create that city for themselves, both politically and socially, with bricks and mortar.
(A) to each other and to the city they have always lived in without quite fully owning — figuring out how to create that city for themselves, both politically and socially, with bricks and mortar
(B) to one another and to the city in which they have always lived without quite fully owning — figuring out how to create that city for themselves, both politically and socially, with bricks and mortar
(C) to one another and to the city they have always lived in without quite fully owning — figuring out how to create that city for themselves, politically and socially, as well as with bricks and mortar
(D) to each other and to the city they have always live in without quite fully owning — figuring out how to create that city for themselves, politically, socially, and with bricks and mortar
(E) to one another and to the city in which they have always lived without quite fully owning — figuring out how to create that city for them, politically and socially, as well as with bricks and mortar