1.(170)Margaret Mead, the best-known anthropologist of the twentiethcentury, helped shape public opinion onfundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families,along with the relative merits of competition andcooperation.
A.shape publicopinion on fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, along with Like不能表示列举 Attitude toward后面应该是两个平行的对等元素 用and更好 一个是children and families 一个是the relative merits of…
B.shape public opinion in such fundamentally important areasas attitudes toward children and families and
C.to shape publicopinion about such fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children and families, also about Opinion about好像不是idiomatic的用法 Like不能列举 Also about的话句子变成了 shape public opinion about the relative导致句意改变 正确句意应该是shaper public opinion 在两个方面一个是 attitudestoward children and families 另一个是attitudes toward the relativemerits of competition and cooperation
D.the shaping of public opinion forfundamentally important areas such as attitudes toward children and families,and those toward 复杂动名词没有动词优 加了一个逗号 and后面的成分和谁平行 主句吗?
E.the shaping of public opinionaround fundamentally important areas like attitudes toward children andfamilies, and those of
复杂动名词没有动词优 those知道的是attitudes 还是areas有指代歧义
2.(171)One of the primarydistinctions between our intelligencewith that of other primates may lay not so much in any specific skill but in our ability to extend knowledge gained in onecontext to new and different ones.
A.between our intelligence with that of otherprimates may lay not so much in any specific skill but
Between A and B 固定搭配 lay 是放置
B.between our intelligence with that of otherprimates may lie not so much in any specific skill but instead Between A and B 固定搭配 Not so much in…as in..
C.between our intelligence and that of other primates may lienot so much in any specific skill as
D.our intelligence has from that ofother primates may lie not in any specific skill as One of the primary distinctions our intelligence..两个名词堆砌 Not so much in…as in..
E.of ourintelligence to thatof other primates may lay not in any specific skill but
3.(172)Introduced byItalian merchants resident in London during the sixteenth century, in England life insurance remained until the end of theseventeenth century a specialized contract between individual underwriters andtheir clients, typically being ship owners,overseas merchants, or professional moneylenders.
A.in England life insuranceremained until the end of the seventeenth century a specialized contractbetween individual underwriters and their clients, typically being Introducedby Italian merchants opening modifier不要用介词短语来割裂其修饰对象
B.in England life insurance hadremained until the end of the seventeenth century a specialized contractbetween individual underwriters with their clients, who typically were Introducedby Italian merchants opening modifier不要用介词短语来割裂其修饰对象
C.until the end of theseventeenth century life insurance in England had remained a specializedcontract between individual underwriters and their clients, typically Introducedby Italian merchants opening modifier不要用介词短语来割裂其修饰对象
D.life insurance inEngland remained until the end of the seventeenth century a specializedcontract between individual underwriters and their clients, typically
E.life insuranceremained until the end of the seventeenth century in England a specializedcontract between individual underwriters with their clients, who typically were 固定搭配 Between… and.. Typically可以用来直接列举 |