最近一直在整理错题发现比较真的是很重要的一部分(本人一直在错 )
无意间看到关于比较省略的帖子,贴在这里【 】【抛开省略!】Ron的【比较TIPS】简直是豁然开朗!!! - GMAT语法专区 (chasedream.com)
say "x IS/ARE ___er(more)than y". in sentences with this structure, there is absolutely no ambiguity at all about the comparison: it's between "x" and "y". ——as /more than就像平行的标志词 accordingly, i've colored the parts that MUST be compared in your first 2 examples: 1.People in China are taller than Spain. WRONG 2.Gas price in 2007 was higher than in 2002. WRONG here's what you should do with such sentences: 1) identify the right-hand element (= the one that follows the comparison signal) ——要去辨认right-hand的元素是什么(也就是as/more than 两边的元素) 2)ask yourself whether this element SHOULD be part of the comparison, according to context/common sense. (there are no "omissions" here. if the stuff following the signal isn't actually compared to something else, the sentence is wrong.) 3)if so, try to find something that matches it on the other side. if you find such a thing, you're good. 前面的例子详解: People are taller in China than Spain. WRONG! 1/ the right-hand element is "spain". 2/ the sentence is not intended to compare spain itself with anything. so, this version is wrong. quit. People are taller in China than in Spain. RIGHT! 1/ the right-hand element is "in spain". 2/ the sentence compares heights of people, sure. however, it's also true that the sentence directly compares the situation in china with the situation in spain. (it does not, on the other hand, compare the actual countries of china and spain; hence why the foregoing example is wrong.) so, this works. 3/ "in china" is there. gas prices were higher in 2007 than in 1997. RIGHT 1/ right-hand element = "in 1997" 2/ this is legitimate (see write-up of previous example, which works in exactly the same way) 3/ "in 2007" is there; we're good. -- gas prices were higher in 2007 than those in 1997. WRONG! 1/ right-hand element = "[gas prices] in 1997" (meaning of the pronoun is obvious, i hope) 2/ we want to compare prices, so the set-up is ok 3/ nothing works on the other side. we need "gas prices in 2007" (in one piece), but only "gas prices" is there. nope. -- gas prices in 2007 were higher than those in 1997. RIGHT! this is one of the easy ones: "X were higher than Y". X = gas prices in 2007 Y = [gas prices] in 1997 (: workable. 如果有错误请指出! 最后引用一下我很喜欢的老师dustin说的 如果比较的省略问题,省略是在没有歧义的情况下为了句子更加简洁~~
Prices at the producer level are only 1.3 percent higher now than a year ago and are going down, even though floods in the Midwest and drought in the South are hurting crops and therefore raised corn and soybean prices.
A. than a year ago and are going down, even though floods in the Midwest and drought in the South are hurting crops and therefore raised
B. than those of a year ago and are going down, even though floods in the Midwest and drought in the South are hurting crops and therefore raising
C. than a year ago and are going down, despite floods in the Midwest and drought in the South, and are hurting crops and therefore raising
D. as those of a year ago and are going down, even though floods in the Midwest and drought in the South hurt crops and therefore raise
E. as they were a year ago and are going down, despite floods in the Midwest and drought in the South, and are hurting crops and therefore raising
og上说A B比较的对象不平行,但是有人说比较是没问题的