New entrepreneurial technology ventures like to describe their technology as “disruptive.” Among them, no technology today is as potentially revolutionary as cryptocurrencies and blockchain, which can re-define money and asset ownerships.
This open class will discuss Crypto and its ecosystem. We will discuss cryptocurrency’s history, the Blockchain technology that powers crypto, and their investment values.
HKUST MBA 名师示范课暨项目宣讲 - 在线 (4/6)
日期:2022 年 4 月 6 日(周三)
时间:19:30 - 21:00
地点:ZOOM 平台(详情于活动 24 小时前电邮通知)
Professor Allen HUANG
PhD Duke University
Associate Dean of the School of Business and Management
Associate Professor in Accounting
在 2021 年的《金融时报》全球 MBA 排行榜中位列全球第 22 位的港科大 MBA,融入时下热门的绿色金融、人工智能、大数据等前沿学科内容打造亚洲首创的商业+科技 MBA 课程,提供跨学科知识,助力职场精英人士培养在当今不断变化的环球商业环境中解决复杂问题至关重要的商业洞察力、多元化思维决策能力和可持续领导力。
如果你渴望构建系统化、全面化、国际化的知识体系,培养数字化领导力,港科大 MBA 开放日将助你提供一个深度的交流机会。加入香港科技大学 MBA 以科技前进,以永续领导力创新!