我本人是11.19上午完成的,oral part问题是Difficult task和Lead ateam,写作部分就是选择这个项目最重要的原因 以下是我根据在CD论坛上的若干相关贴整合出来的,应该都很全面了: 备注: 视频面试一共20-30分钟完成,需要有摄像头和录音设备,建议浏览器使用:Chrome, Safariand Firefox。有题库,抽到题目后有一些准备时间,然后才开始作答。 视频面试的问题比较通用。如果这个初步的视频面试通过了,后续学校还会安排进一步的面试,到时候会问一些比较针对个人背景的问题。 Oral Part:2道题,有文字叙述问题内容,开始前有准备时间,每题限时2min叙述 1.An unexpected change: 这类问题主要都可以围绕你的随机应变能力和处理问题的能力来回答,比如描述一个实习上遇到的困难,最后你运用什么方式去解决了。注意要尽可能地给到一些细节 - Please tell me about a time when you experienced an unexpected change in your school or at work. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
- 你如何适应 a big change?
2.Align your team - Tell me a time when you led a team of people that have different personalities. How did you align your team towards the objective or goal? What is the outcome?
- Talk about a time when you step up and take a heavier responsibility in a team. What did you do and what's the outcome?
3.Unable to complete a task - Please tell me about a time when you were unable to complete a very important project by the deadline. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
- 如果你做好了项目,结果lower than expected,how you feel and what did you do?
- Please tell me about a time when you received a grade on a project or an essay that you felt was lower than you deserved. How did this make you feel and what did you do?
- Difficult task at school or work, how do you feel and what did you do.
- talk about an experience that you recieve a negative critical feedback on your project. how you feel and what you do
- 问某个你学术上的项目和你的计划预期项目不同的时候,how did you feel, and what did you do
4.Important goal 可以延续PS的思路,围绕你选择这个项目的动机来回答:课程、数据分析的分支 将这些问题与自己的经历、职业规划联系在一起(比如说NTU的世界排名、新加坡的商业环境可以和自己本科阶段的国际化会计教学相结合。) - What is the most important goal you hope to achieve by completing the Master’s program at Nanyang Technological University? Why?
- 最想学到的东西、关于你想从这个 programme 得到什么?
· the skills you want to learnfrom this program, What skills? Why this particular skill? · What is the most importantskill you hope to develop in a Master’s program at Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity? Why this skill in particular?
5.Why NTU - How does a master's degree from NTU fit into your 5 or 10 year career plan? /来这里最重要的目标
- 你觉得我们项目的特别之处 compared to similar programs?
- 选择这个项目最重要的原因是?
- 这个项目能为你的career带来什么?
6.Other - 学术上的目标和计划不一样时?
- Getting out of the comfort zone in school or work? 如何做的,感受如何?
- 学校或工作上的重大决定,怎么做及结果
Written Part:5min时间写,不能复制粘贴,时间很赶打不了多少字,建议准备的稿子100字左右就够了,字数太多也不够时间打上去
- Why you want to study in Singapore and NTU? 5
- Tell me a time when you led a team of individuals who struggled to gain consensus on an approach to a difficult problem or task. How did you try to align the team toward the objective or goal? What was the outcome? 2
- 你想从这个项目中获得的最大收获是什么?4
- What is the most important skill you hope to develop in a Master’s program at Nanyang Technological University? Why this skill in particular? 4
- 描述一次你如何让没有动力或没有兴趣的人去做一件事,你做了什么去align your team to do the project 2
- 描述一个experience,在小组合作中有diverse personality,你如何align 2
- 在完成一个important project的过程中,队员们不能collaborate well,你做了什么让大家重新协作完成goal 的经历 2
- 你参加一个cross-functional的project,你的队友们有不能aligned的trouble,你会怎么做来实现团队一致目标?2
- Talk about an experience that you lead a demanding project, how you alligned your teammates towards the objective or goal? what is the outcome? 2