1, Average lifespan of listed companies decrease, and some analysts point that to structural changes. Something good. However, some problems happen.
2, another explanation: modern companies are purposefully built.
1,B ,
Once the product or technology is successful, larger companies acquire the technology and the start up dissolves. This theory is built on,,,,
第一段引出话题:Business analysts 认为上市公司的平均寿命在下降。(论据:1996-2000年占比变化)
-Some analysts : structure change in the économie.
-changing consumer tastes
-market left to small companies
-However , old business left a host of problems, 导致 the probability of survival declined + new companies are more difficult and more instable in marketplace
第二段越来越多的其他analysts认为: modern companies 故意缩小寿命。
论据:-built for acquisition = companies success
-modern stat-ups centered a single tech. No long term uses.
第三题错选B, 正确答案D
定位于Further, the removal of once-stable forces within the marketplace led to instability that made it more difficult for newer companies to survive for more than a few years past their initial public offerings.
B the prime reason太绝对,文章未提及。以及这部分是商业分析家的观点,但是题目的意思是他们有可能同意什么,需要的是inference