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 楼主| 发表于 2021-1-27 23:27:46 | 只看该作者
Day 10
Title : The eyes have it:A new book reveals the excessive attention paid to how executives look
subjective factors such as appearance can greatly influence judgements about people.
People tend to obey domineering presidents. Then A variety of factors are listed. Finally, people's judgement of others is inherently highly subjective. Maybe in the future we can use AI
All rather depressing, particularly for women trying to climb the corporate ladder.
narcissist; recount; reaffirm
R : 10 min
T : 40 min

Title : Is Hospital Competition Wasteful?

It is clear that the article is incomplete. From the four paragraphs provided, it is clear that the central idea of the author is to prove that the MAR hypothesis is unreasonable. All four paragraphs begin with a description of the MAR and are presumably followed by a specific refutation.
P1. The article is summarised by two hypotheses 1) MAR and 2) that the supply of professional services is determined only by the size of the market. The author has made a model and the results show support for 2.
P2. The definition of MAR is given, as well as the disadvantages of providing too many high-tech medical services, raising the cost of care and making the quality of care worse.
P3. An important implication and impact of MAR. The view that MAR is harmful to competition between hospitals is widely shared by the media and calls for nationalisation of supplies and impact cases. +MAR is also recognised by the medical profession and no one sees any benefit in this competition.
P4. Re-examines the empirical evidence relating to MAR, comparing it with the traditional economics issue that the number of suppliers in a given high-technology sector is determined by the size of the market. It is estimated that the later section begins to test and refute MAR.
While the MAR hypothesis is commonly accepted in the health industry, it completely reverses traditional economic thinking about the salutary 有益的,有用的 effects of competition.
Our analysis of California hospitals provides minimal support for the medical arms race hypothesis while suggesting substantial scale economies for many services.
costly; extent; commensurate; colloquially
R: 5min
T: 40min

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