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- 2015-1-2
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- 1970-1-1
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今天下午面完Rotman的PT MBA 来回馈CD啦~~~因为需要的材料都提前准备好了,所以打算申请今年的early admission round (deadline: Oct 15th),早点申请拿到entrance awards的可能性就比较大。效率非常高,提交申请的第二天就收到了面试邀请,安排在了一个星期之后,今天面试结束后说几天之后就会通知结果。
zoom面试是和专门负责Rotman parttime MBA的两个associate director Rummy Gill & Angela Forster 进行的。平时关于pt的info sessions也都是她们两个人负责的。Rummy人超级nice,一般我有问题发邮件过去两天之内都会回复,在我提交申请以前也会给我的resume和essay提意见。
整个interview包括Q&A session大概半个多小时,都是比较typical的问题,趁着还有记忆赶紧写下来分享给大家,希望同样申请pt mba的小伙伴们加油呀~
1. Why MBA? Why Rotman? Why Now?
2. How would you describe yourself as a team player?
3. Give an example if improving existing process and achieving better results?
4. If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?
5. How would you define success in MBA?
6. How will you finance your MBA expenses? Will you get sponsorship from employer? Do they support your plan of pursuing PT MBA?
7. Are you also applying for other schools?
8. Fun facts about you? Sports? Musical Instruments? other things you want to share?
9. Questions for interviewers.