揽瓜阁 Day 5 Elinor 15th May 2020 精听 The human spark:Why people care about ancient buildings 一 文章大意 巴黎圣母院的大火使得这个古老的建筑获得了大量关注,人们的惋惜情绪推动了该建筑的重建,也密切了人类的关系。 二 段落大意 1.Kenneth在50年前的BBC系列中阐述了自己对文明的理解 2.似乎在21世纪的今天,人类关心巴黎圣母院的大火超过了关注人类本身(南非的洪灾)有点让人难以理解。 3.如今并非只有经济在全球化,文化也一样。人们周游世界去发现美和历史文明 4.这个视觉时代赋予了美丽更多的力量,而社交媒体则把部分艺术品变成了超级网红,尽管是艺术品中非常少的一部分。 5.巴黎圣母院地位卓然,历经风雨。 6.这场大火拉近了人与人之间的距离,暂时隔绝了种族主义,极端主义,国外分裂势力,而衬托出了人类的精神和信仰 7.巴黎圣母院的重建得到了民众的支持,民众纷纷从各种途径进行资金筹措 8.尽管重建后的巴黎圣母院不可能与之前一模一样,但它蕴含的艺术精神是未曾改变的。 三 摘抄词句 Yet the widespread, intense grief at the sight of the cathedral’s collapsing steeple is in fact profoundly human—and in a particularly 21st-century way A building on whose sunny steps you have rested, in front of which you have taken a selfie with your loved one, becomes a warm part of your memories and thus of yourself. 四 生词记录 steeple 尖塔 buttresses 支持 给……以力量 throbbing 抽动 跳动 endow 赞助 pantheon 名人名流 cumulative 聚积的,积累的,渐增的; 累计的; 累积的 edifice 大厦 宏伟建筑 crowdfunding 众筹 五 时间记录 阅读: 7min 总结 23min,共计30min
精听 Familiar Tunes Rapidly Jog the Brain
Remember scrolling the radio dial, hoping a tune you like would xx out of static.You never have(had) to listen long to know you’d landed on a hint (hit).
Music has a very strong/remarkably strong, hold on us. So that it’s enough to be exposed to a very brief snippet of a familiar song for us to be able to recognize it.Maria Chait, an auditory cognitive new scientist neuroscientist at University College London.
Chait and her team recently studied just how quick that reflex is. They started by asking ten volunteers to name a feel good, familiar song like this, Then the researchers had picked handpicked a second tune that sounded similar but was unfamiliar to the volunteer.
They chopped both songs into tiny beats bits—each less than a second long and then randomly interspersed them into a six-and-a-half-minute long track of song snippets.
As the snippets played, the scientists measured the volunteers’ brain activity via a network of 128 electrodes and monitored changes in pupil diameter, too—a sign of arouse arousal. And the researchers found that the listeners’ pupils dilated more rapidly when they heard familiar vs versus unfamiliar sample within just a tenth to a third of a second
Familiar tunes also triggered a two step pattern of brain activation almost identical to that seen in other memory studies where the brain first recognizes something as familiar and then retrieves more detailed information about it. That pattern was absent for unfamiliar songs and for the control group.
The results are in the journal scientific reports.
The study does have limitations: it used a small number of songs, it was hard to mask the purpose of the study from the participants, and the control group ended up being primarily international students from Asia since they had to be unfamiliar with every single song so their native languages and music backgrounds were different from the experimental group, which was primarily students from a European background.
Still, for clinicians who want to use music as a therapeutic tool for patients with dementia, for example, this study might provide a few clues:There’s a lot of interest in trying to develop objective measures of music enjoyment of music familiarity. And this sort of paradigm might be useable in this sort of context, because it doesn’t require the participants to indicate anything. They just listen passively.
Clinicians simply have to observe the neural fingerprints of hearing that same old song.
二 大意: 科学研究表明,人类对熟悉旋律会迅速作出反应。 三 生词: Snippet 片段 Intersperse 散歩 点缀 Dementia 痴呆 fingerprint 指纹