Title: The Bible museum’s fake scrolls
1. Main Idea: The 16 Dead Sea scrolls in the Museum of Bible is fake. This is a big embarrassment for the Bible museum, especially considering its reputation. The number of visitors to the museum could decrease due to the embarrassment.
2. Details:
1. The Dead Sea scrolls in the Museum of the Bile, which the museum boasted, is fake.
2. The museum present itself as a rigorous institution. There are some respected consultant and breathtaking collection in the museum.
3. There is no careful examination when purchasing the scrolls. The author listed some evidence of the forgery.
4. Last year the museum has bought some stolen collection.
5. The museum is transparent and hired a research group to exam the fragments.
6. The museum lack academic rigorous.
7. fewer people are coming to the museum.
4. Vocabulary:
1. forgeries: 伪造品
2. boasted:吹嘘
3. salivate:流口水
4. revelation: 泄漏
5. rigorous:严谨
6. prominent:突出的
7. contraceptives:避孕药
8. rebuffed: 拒绝
9. provenance: 出处
10. elide:省略
Lyrics Handwritten by Bob Dylan On Sale for $2.2 Million
总时间:30 mins
Autograph 手稿,亲笔签名,字迹
A major protest song 主打歌?
Asking price 售价
Sought -after 受欢迎的
Record amount 创记录的价格
Not in the same league as 不可同日而语
The voice of xx generation 时代之声?
Underground Station in Capital to Become Arts Center
华盛顿地下车站改造为艺术中心,华盛顿变化非常之快,很多地下车站建好以后只使用了很短一段时间 ,这些废弃的车站或者不实用的工业区域可以重新被定义,改造和使用,Dupont Underground这个机构致力于改造这些区域,使其重新得到利用,过去有其他组织尝试将这些地方改造为小餐厅,以失败告终,这次的改造艺术中心将会面对公众开放,不确定是否能成功。
streetcar 有轨电车
site-specific 特定的
Light and sound
Tunnel 隧道
High line park 纽约高线公园