EDHEC 是录视频的方式,电脑pad手机都可以,我用的pad,提前可以practice无数次,面试问题可以上CD搜搜最新的面经,比如五个问题我提前准备到了三个,lucky~EDHEC是一段时间换一次问题,所以时间较靠近的面经很有参考价值~下面是我2月22号的面试问题(每个问题两分钟准备,三分钟回答,讲完了就点结束不用强求讲满三分钟,比如我回答基本都是一分半到两分的样子)
1.what is your career olan and why are u applying to this master?
2.how do u generate new ideas?
3.what challenges are u looking for in your job?
4.what do u think are the “next big things ”and emerging technologies that will disrupt industries over the next five years? (讲道理,看到题目这么长我都懵了,看到科技更懵了,就两分钟准备慌得不行,这种题就是真的在考验实力了叭)
5.U have two minutes to add any further comments u may have.(一定要说啊,增加印象,表现出你的积极性,随便说啥都可以)
楼主你好啊,我想问下关于奖学金的问题。我看第三个documents的要求是“3. List the institutions to which you will apply (scholarships, loans…) in order to consolidate your financing plan for the total duration of your studies at EDHEC.”这个你是怎么弄的呢?这个institution是什么呢,有些不明白。谢谢楼主了