楼主最近在着手申请bocconi的三轮的CEMS项目,看到这个给的statement of motivation有些迷惑,想要问一下申请过的前辈们!这五个问题是需要在essay里全都回复嘛?以及最后一个问题提到的a program指的不是CEMS项目吧?大概要多少字呢?
Your Statement of motivation will be used to assess your suitability for the CEMS MIM Program. Please write a personal statement of motivation, according to the five questions provided here below, outlining the reasons why you want to enroll in the Program. 1.Why do you want to study CEMS MIM at Bocconi University? 2.What are your international experiences and why do you think to fit well in an international environment? 3.What are your aspirations? 4.What qualities will you bring to this Program? 5.Why do you want to attend a Program which by far requires an extra effort in dealing with a particularly intense workload?