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[学校信息] Bocconi MSF项目国际学生毕业去向问题~

发表于 2020-2-3 11:24:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
另外还想问下msf的就读体验!   希望有人解答5555

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发表于 2020-2-4 05:59:36 | 只看该作者
就业地点取决于个人偏好,想留欧的基本怎么样都留的下来,伦敦按比例来讲(本来一届也没多少人)其实也不少。来了不太喜欢欧洲只想回国/or本来就偏好回国的(i.e.对象在国内,which means不会想尽一切办法留,只是想要短期留欧工作最终目的还是回国,伦敦香港国内都投etc.)也不少,这一类可能最后遵从内心的声音更愿意回国。

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-4 11:42:08 | 只看该作者
yukkkkc 发表于 2020-2-4 05:59
就业地点取决于个人偏好,想留欧的基本怎么样都留的下来,伦敦按比例来讲(本来一届也没多少人)其实也不少 ...

谢谢你!请问您是msf的毕业生吗?留在伦敦工作的是不是大部分还是本科背景就很强 有海外实习/工作经验的呀?
发表于 2020-2-4 22:05:37 | 只看该作者
lexie456 发表于 2020-2-4 11:42
谢谢你!请问您是msf的毕业生吗?留在伦敦工作的是不是大部分还是本科背景就很强 有海外实习/工作经验的 ...

depends,跟本科学校level没关系,当然在本科学的东西扎不扎实/是否有经验可能影响面试表现(both technical and fit)
发表于 2020-2-4 22:46:17 | 只看该作者
欧洲投行似乎都喜欢多一些女性来diversify,bocconi msf还开了女性全奖hh,个人觉得b大msf是一个不错的选择
发表于 2020-2-5 01:37:02 发自手机 Web 版 | 只看该作者
我今年也录了msf 但本科没有相关实习 感觉master到那边找实习有点困难
发表于 2020-2-5 01:43:47 | 只看该作者
yukkkkc 发表于 2020-2-4 05:59
就业地点取决于个人偏好,想留欧的基本怎么样都留的下来,伦敦按比例来讲(本来一届也没多少人)其实也不少 ...

估計樓主是會想問有沒有具體的大概數字, e.g.:

你眼中多大比例是想留欧的? 多少%是去了london, 或者去了歐洲其他甚麼地方的?
還有多少%這類是回了亞洲的? (long term, 不只是實習)

剩下的沒有留歐洲的, 有多大比例是去了香港, 星加坡或者是去了上海?

當然, 估計樓主也會想知道是去了哪個tier的公司, 還是是FO還是MO or BO吧....
 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-5 11:37:22 | 只看该作者
伯尔尼的顾故 发表于 2020-2-4 22:46
欧洲投行似乎都喜欢多一些女性来diversify,bocconi msf还开了女性全奖hh,个人觉得b大msf是一个不错的选择 ...

嗯嗯b家大方地给了我这个奖学金。。。 我还有加拿大的offer现在比较纠结要不要交b的留位费   感觉cd里大家都很挺这个学校 但是最后去它家的也真心不多
发表于 2020-2-6 10:54:59 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2020-2-7 02:00:40 | 只看该作者
cheesechan 发表于 2020-2-5 01:43
估計樓主是會想問有沒有具體的大概數字, e.g.:

你眼中多大比例是想留欧的? 多少%是去了london, 或者去了 ...

Just edit this post a little bit.
MSF is the TARGET for FO in IB London and BO is never an option for MSF students (tbh do you really think u know what operations is doing and why u wanna do it for a career??come on). MO Risk can be something interesting for some people and IBs relocate / try to build their MO/BO hubs in Budapest/ Warsaw/ etc., but not that many ppl into it. Regarding International student, tbh even US students need visa sponsor (u r not alone lol). Those CN students who v been recruited for London are definitely doing FO and I would say BB recruit more than MM (quite obviously since they have larger business and dealflows and prefer diversity) But I don't really know exactly about ppl who decide to go back.

Regarding determination of working in EMEA, my personal criteria will be : u focus exclusively on opportunities in EMEA and u r looking for PR, not just looking for an internship/short-period of time in Europe to leverage for a good job in Asia. (bc in the latter case, it's highly likely that u also make tons of applications for mainland positions, where the whole recruiting preparations as we know for different locations are completely different. ppl have limited time and energy available; and in any case for ppl interested in HK, I wouldn't recommend any EU business school for u tbh tho Bocconi WBB program for bachelor probably can be a great choice);
But in reality and in action, it can be: constantly networking with ppl to learn and improve yourself, apply for London instead of Hong Kong when u can only apply one position globally e.g. HSBC; keep applying even after receiving tons of rejections (think what EU ppl also experience and what they will do: they will keep applying bc they don't have a backup option i.e. applying for APAC)
And remember ppl will change their minds after setbacks. Plenty of my friends who went to STEM in the U.S. planned to work for 2-3 years initially (typical plans among ppl in this forum lol) but in the end went back directly after graduation. In the end, personal motivation matters. It's all about choosing personal life and there is no right answers. Majority of ppl I know don't really enjoy life abroad and they really love the life in mainland. (And some ppl also feel they have a better career prospect in a Chinese-speaking working environment)

And of course I know ppl are looking for data and number. I'm sorry but this is something I won't do for privacy reasons.

Meanwhile, I don't really think it makes any sense to list CN students placement since it's completely case by case. If u r expecting that u r guaranteed a great placement in IB bc of the title of this program, then just forget about it. Every single one who gets the job (no matter EU or non-EU) is because they are stronger than other candidates competiting in the same selection process in some way. And sometimes a little bit (or a lot of) luck as well (for London summer app,  I would say it's like a binary option. U get it or u don't. Not many opportunities for u to waste, even for EU students). And this program is trying to give the knowledge and network (alumni and ur peers as well) to u. But in the end, companies hire u is because of U YOURSELF.

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