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49-20-44 22/13-30/26(203--260)
看成绩就知道听力没啥可写的,就告诉大家点儿旧的jj: 1.dust bowl 2.mm想选art education,gg劝其改变想法 3。gg找mm借书,mm 没车,gg送她去。 其他的都是一团糨糊。
语法不难,时间要掌握好,时紧时松搞的紧张西西的,最后还剩近3分钟。很不爽。 阅读; 1。忘了 2。NY 早期人反对skyscraper 3.太阳的能量 4。米国人猎buffalo, 一词汇:ramification,拿不准 总的来说不难,要得高分还得有实力。
作文:典型的魔鬼定律,怕啥来啥。 22. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
感谢 CD 所有的xdjm,希望大家取得好成绩,干掉ETS. |