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[SC悬赏令] 关于despite 的一些用法

发表于 2020-1-2 11:20:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
despite+n 可以接受og19 706
The use of the bar code, or Universal Product Code, which was created in part to enable supermarkets to process customers at a faster rate, has expanded beyond supermarkets to other retail outlets and has become readily accepted despite some initial opposition when the bar code was first introduced in 1974.

despite+the fact that  可以接受
sc 700-800
[size=14.007002830505371px]Despite the fact that[size=14.007002830505371px] the lead attorney and his assistant entered the courthouse with police escort, they were manhandled by an aggressive crowd of reporters that bombarded the attorney with questions and injured him so seriously that he needed immediate medical attention.
[size=14.007002830505371px]despite+ving 可以接受(存在争议[size=14.007002830505371px])
Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.

prep2- 209. (GWD-10-Q21)
Despite the growing number of people who purchase plane tickets online, airline executives are convinced that, just as one-third of bank customers still prefer human tellers to automatic teller machines, many travelers will still use travel agents.

manhatten sc
DESPITE TAKING frequent naps, I STUDY effectively.

despite that 是错误结构
Though the language of Beowulf is practically incomprehensible to contemporary readers, careful linguistic analysis reveals a multitude of similarities to modern English.(正确句子)
  • Despite that it is practically incomprehensible to contemporary readers, careful linguistic analysis reveals that the language of Beowulf has a multitude of similarities to modern English.(错误的选项)
    关于改选项答案的解释:"Despite" must be followed by either a noun ("despite extremehunger...") or a verb ("despite having been fired..."). It cannot be followed by a relative pronoun ("despite that...").
关于despite ving的用法,Manhattan forum 上面的解释是当ving表示的是一个finite verb的时候despite ving是错误的,但是当ving是一个gerund是,这种用法是可以接受的

这是Manhattan 700-800的一个错误选项
Despite entering the courthouse with police escort, the lead attorney and his assistant, manhandled by an aggressive
crowd of reporters that bombarded him with questions, was injured seriously enough to warrant immediate medical attention.

[size=14.007002830505371px]工作人员的解释:[size=14.007002830505371px]The explanation for this answer choice incorrectly identifies "entering" as a verb. Remember that we'll often see gerunds on the test as they are often confused with finite verbs that have qualities such as tense and number. These gerunds are a type of non-finite verb, or verbal, that actually do not fulfill a verb or action like role. Other verbals include participles and infinitives.
[size=14.007002830505371px]按照他的解释来说,entering 在这里就是做一个动名词,那么按照这个观点 despite taking frequent naps 中 taking 也是做动名词。那么怎么判断finite verb和gerund呢?

我的观点是:despite ving是一个不优的选项,当可以通过其他的splite排除是,就先不要考虑这个选项
                   对于是作为动名词还是限定性动词,我认为应该从意思上考虑,如果意思上偏重强调这个动作的过程那么就不可以作为动名词,但是意思上只是强调有这个动作参与的整个事情那么就可以考虑为动名词,如在despite being offered $1,000 to do so.这个句子中,如果是强调被提供的这个动作,那么看作infinite verb这种用法就不对,如果强调的重点是被提供钱的这个事情,那么就可以看作动名词,这个用法也就可以接受。


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