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发表于 2003-9-2 10:34:00 | 只看该作者




2. 是否毕业后也要考那个什么CGA3级5级证书什么的还是一毕业就有那么多级了还是完全两套系统?
3. 职业前景是不是做会计?
4. 本科不是会计相关专业可不可以学呀?

发表于 2003-9-2 10:53:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-9-2 11:01:00 | 只看该作者
As far as I know there is no concentration called 'Accounting' in MBA program, although I could be wrong. If you want to become an accountant, you should take Ms of Accounting.
发表于 2003-9-2 11:15:00 | 只看该作者
Following Chipmunk, one of the secondary concentrations in the Michigan State University is Corporate Accounting. It means that you have to choose one primary concertration. Beyond it, you can choose one seconary and just choose the courses you are interested in. The curriculum inludes 'Financial Statement Analysis', 'Strategic Accounting', 'Control in the Global Enterprise' and some taxation courses.

Upon graduation, you will be a management accountant, analyst or internal auditor in the company with potentail to be promoted to a controller.

There is no requirement for you to take the public exams while you may be inetersted in CMA (US) and CIMA (UK) rather than CPA. CMA or CIMA is focused on management accounting nd CPA/CGA is more about auditing. Anyway, it is up to you.

It is OK for those without Accounting background. Someone with Accounting concertration just want to know what it is because they never learn accounting before.

Sieble, are you satisfied with my answer? Feel free to ask more question. By the way, are you working on CRM softare? Sieble is a big name in the field.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-2 20:11:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用zgs在2003-9-2 11:15:00的发言:
By the way, are you working on CRM softare? Sieble is a big name in the field.

Yeah, you are right! Hand in hand.....Actually, not many people know this name.

I might live on Siebel if the recession which dramatically ruin the crm had not sprung out. :-(
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-2 20:29:00 | 只看该作者

Many Thanks!

以下是引用zgs在2003-9-2 11:15:00的发言:
Following Chipmunk, one of the secondary concentrations in the Michigan State University is Corporate Accounting.

Sieble, are you satisfied with my answer? Feel free to ask more question.

You are so sweet! Thank you very much!

Actually, it is the Michigan which rasie my interest about the accounting issue.


昨日查分项排名(不清楚是哪年的,上传到第8楼的帖子的附件里了),突然发现michigan名列accouting 第6,排名竟在stern, kelogg之前!而这个排名里面,accounting和finance, mis, gm等等类别同级排列,于是就有了这个accounting的地位的疑问。相信这个排名系统的分类法应该不是乱来的,accounting的概念可能我没有搞清楚,应该和传统意义的accouting有所区别。否则,白白单拎出来作为mba的一个和finance同级的分类,似无必要。

谢谢你的回答,清楚了很多。现在就是不清楚这个second concentration是不是有我们副修课的意味?如果这样,应该和这个排名中的accounting是不是不是一回事儿?



[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-2 21:01:45编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-2 20:35:00 | 只看该作者

Here is the source!

lanlan, thanks! 学校网站一时半会找不到这方面的说法,正在努力查询。。。

siebel 能不能给个链接来看看哪个学校的,学校自己是怎么说的?


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发表于 2003-9-3 17:42:00 | 只看该作者
It is a kind of waste to become an accountant to pursue MBA. However, you can mange accountants after graduation.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-9-4 05:17:00 | 只看该作者

You get it!

以下是引用lanlan000在2003-9-3 21:32:00的发言:
go back to Siebel's case, your career path sounds pretty vague to me, probably because I know little about you. A rought question: what are you going to do after MBA?

Actually, it is vague to me, too. Honestly, I do not know not only what I am going to do after MBA, but also what MBAs can do. I suppose this is one of the questions MBA program should teach.

Sounds ridiculous? A little bit, at least I think so. My confusion is like this: I only know what I have done and I know I do not like them. I don't want to select one of what I have done to be my next goal. That means I lost the what I have had.

In the meantime, what an MBA can do is out of my knowledge, too. What are the IB, DB, CB, BB, or OB doing? How do they make wealth? I have no idea.


比如说吧,我是一个农民,有个机会让我进城。虽然对城市生活有所耳闻,但很难准确理解具体含义(比如什么叫倒爷、什么叫白脸儿,他们具体干什么等等),只是大概其知道城里的日子比乡下好过一点。去不去呢?肯定要去。为啥去呢?没有具体的原因。去了以后会怎样呢?天知道。如果非要让欧进城前说明进城以后想怎样,偶也只能从已经熟悉的农活里面挑一个:拱猪、养鸡、放鸽子吧。这个career goal似乎意义不大。


发表于 2003-9-4 07:06:00 | 只看该作者
"As my understanding, accounting is nothing complicating, but corporate finance relates to senior level management. However, some companies try to use accounting method to embelish their operation status, that is one of the important use of 'Strategic Accounting'. I don't know whether this is the background for MBA with accounting concentration. Actually, it is dangerous. They just make the books more complex than necessary."

Hi, Lanlan

I can't agree with you. You know, the different companies use the different titles. At least as far as I know, the management accountant can be a high position, earning $150K-$250K per year, providing a good return on MBA's investment.

As for Strategic Accounting, many people like you doubt whether it is widely used but the fact is that most global companies are using it in their information systems. For example, more and more companies use Balance Scorecard to make budgeting and planning.

Hi, Sieble

I believe that CRM really provides the values to the customers. If I were you, I would expand my scope from CRM to more business knowledge in Marketing and Sales or more technical knowledge in Business Warehouse. It is not easy to entirely change your career path by a MBA now.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-4 7:09:58编辑过]
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