UCL timeline:
2.28math test邀请,被hkust刺激之后,收到UCL笔试的我真的开心到痴呆,前辈都说笔试很基础,我就拿同学考研资料粗略复习了高数线代概率论,概念过一遍的水平
3.5在线笔试,10道题1小时,题目在一个页面全部显示出来,末尾有timer,不开摄像头,抽到的题库和之前帖子一致,指路:UCL finance Math test 2019/1/18 - 商学院Master申请区,题目会有一些小小陷阱,做的时候留心即可,确实不难,唯一纠结的第三题是求函数f(x,y)的最大/最小值点及鞍点
1. Why study finance at UCL?
2. Where do you see yourself after 3 years?
3. Math and econometric background.
4. What is the financial consequence of Brexit on UK, Europe, and the rest of the world in the following 3-5 years?
5. One main hobby?
6. One reason why UCL should accept you?