① 先行词+插入语+修饰 会很awkward吗
About5 million acres in the United States have been invaded by leafy spurge, a herbaceous plant from Eurasia, with milky sap, that gives mouth sores to cattle and displaces grassesand other cattle food, rendering rangeland worthless. 这句话是对的 但是我记得ron好像说中间有长长的修饰很不好···难道是which不是that····
②including是就近还是随意跳 MostEuropean countries offer a variety of programs toassist working parents, including paid maternityand paternity leaves, financial allowances for families with children, andsubsidized public nurseries and kindergartens. 跳跃 Astudy by the Ocean Wildlife Campaign urged states to undertake a number of remedies to reverse adecline in the shark population, includingestablishing size limits for shark catches, closing state waters forshark fishing during pupping season, and requiring commercial fishers to havefederal shark permits. 跳跃 Bluegrassmusician Bill Monroe, whose repertory, views on musical collaboration, andvocal style influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspiredmany musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differedsignificantly from hisown. 就近 那么这道题 Unableto build nests or care for their young, female cowbirds use the nestsof other birds to lay up to 40 eggs a year, including thoseof warblers, vireos, flycatchers, and thrushes. × 为什么错误了呢··如果including能跳回前面的其他鸟类 求解答鸭~~~