李嘉悦: LBS以及伦敦这个城市都是极其包容和多元的(可能找工作除外),学校为大家创造了很多社交的机会和场合,在这里我几乎每天都在认识新的人,接受新的观点,学习新的文化。LBS的氛围也相当和谐,紧张忙碌的申请季,同学之间彼此支持,互相帮助。还有大半年的时间,希望在探索中有更多收获。 户外骑行
汝常仪: 突然意识到来伦敦已经两个月了,这两个月极大的拓展了我的边界: 一是networking的边界。伦敦商学院真的是一所非常国际化的商学院,也会组织非常多的活动鼓励跨项目的同学相互交流。这里你可以碰到有各种故事和背景的人。我的mentor是一个曾在服了4年半兵役后花了一年游南美的以色列人,同项目也有很多自己创立过start-ups的同学。和不同背景的人聊天能激发我的灵感,更加清楚自己想要的是什么。 二是自身极限的边界。在如此紧凑的日程中,如何合理安排小组讨论、上课、课后作业、网申、各种公司和学校举办的events的时间,如何在面试撞上期末考试时平衡求职和学业,都是对时间管理能力的挑战。伦敦商学院丰富的资源和合理的课程设计也最大限度的给了我们支持。 回首这充实的两个月,每天都有新的挑战与收获,也让我更期待未来的生活。
Away Day
Sean Thomas Burris: Since coming to London Business School, the most surprising thing I have noticed is that social activity is at least as important as academics. There is no way of avoiding the social scene at LBS, nor would you want to! The constant networking events and other gatherings including Sundowners have been a great way to meet others with similar experiences andambitions. Every week is filled with lectures and career centre events and I cannot believe that we are already more than halfway through the first term. Time is passing too quickly!
Students who are currently making job applications are incredibly busy,for them career planning and job interviews take more of their time than actual coursework. I am glad that as a GMiM I have another year to explore career options and plan for my future. With such a fast pace, I can never feel bored. I am most looking forward to my Global Experience Field Trip to Beijing to learn more about technology and entrepreneurship in China, but that will not be until May. Naturally, I also cannot wait to arrive at Fudan next year!
温翰琳: LBS最大的不同大概就是同学之间的diversity,以及这种diversity带来的关于人生道路的思考。通过平时学业上的study group,参加的各种club,以及每周的sundowner可以接触到各种各样的同学。有已经创立自己start-up热衷于enterpreneurship的MiM,也有做过咨询也做过投行但是还在寻找人生爱好的MBA,还是很热衷于提供帮助的alumni。和这些人接触可以说非常不同的经历了 : )
蒋锐: LBS的课程难度对于有商科基础的同学可能并不大,但是对转专业的同学来讲,课程紧、课时长、作业连着期中连着期末,课后还是要花一番功夫的。 LBS的求职氛围很浓厚,学校提供非常专业强大的career service,图书馆的资源也很丰富,订阅了bloomberg等数据库供同学们使用。在LBS两个月,伦敦没怎么玩,倒是一直泡在图书馆里,同学们一起学习,一起求职,倒也颇有乐趣。
Study Room
席舒曼: 来LBS最大的感受就是多元、充实。“多元”一方面体现在有着不同背景、不同职业目标、兴趣爱好的LBSer的互相交流,另一方面体现在学校组织的各类活动,包括Orientation、Away Day、各类career培训。“充实”则体现在学校提供的各种event/session以及课程安排。
Career Workshop
Julia Cockcroft: Coming to London Business School after my undergraduate degree in Modern Languages at Oxford was an exciting but slightly scary prospect! However, right from our orientation day, I absolutely knew I was in the right place. LBS is so diverse and welcoming but also keeps me on my toes with new challenges and things to learn every day.
MIMs and GMIMs running
My days are busy with lectures and career planning but there’s still loads of time to play sports (including touch rugby!), get involved in professional clubs (I’m part of the Consulting Club committee) and pop for adrink at the pub at the end of the day! London is a beautiful city, and LBS couldn’t be better placed right next to the lovely Regent’s Park. LBS is allowing me to learn about the world of business, study mandarin, meet a wonderful group of students and faculty and set my career path in motion- I honestly can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be!
Touch Rugby Practice
颜槿: 在伦敦商学院的学习生活使我的时间管理能力得到了很大的锻炼。每周不固定的课程安排,每个stream不同时间的assignment和quiz,study group每周在一起讨论作业,同时伴随找工作的忙碌,还有Away Day快乐的素拓训练。在这里的每一天都充实而快乐,是和本科生活完全不一样的体验,但在充实的生活中发现未知的可能,让我对之后的伦敦生活更加期待。 Goldman Sachs Asia活动入场