就我个人经验来讲(我也是ms渣gpa),我觉得渣gpa最弱的地方在于让我不敢去问professor要推荐信。而你在申请中就会发现,这个圈子就这么小,熟人的推荐信(plus研究经历)是所有条件(G/T/GPA/毕业院校/工作经验/研究经历/推荐信)里最最最有用的。你只能自己想办法看能不能蹭上某个学校seminar,reach out to Tulane的教授,在研究经历这个维度冲刺一把
但其实你现在已经在四大了,多花1-3年时间就做好本职工作也是个不错的选择,在此期间一定要keep in touch with Tulane,没准能获得以前教授对你印象的改变然后愿意帮你写不错的推荐信
如果非要顶着申请2019 fall的话,拿不到Tulane里有点声望的教授的推荐信,即使gmat刷上了750,估计ceiling就是50+的program
Thank you! I think focusing on your GMAT is critical get into a top program, given how competitive your demographic is. Since you already have a Masters, you will also have to clearly articulate WHY you want to get a PHD as well. The AdComs will really focus on your GMAT so be sure to try to get 720 or above. Good luck!